Solved Question regarding Essentials plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by MinniPvP, Nov 6, 2015.

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    I was just wondering on how to change the main color of essentials. What I mean with this is for example
    MinniPvP is now AFK. What I want is to change the 'is now AFK' to the color I like. Annother example is a shop sign. I want the ability to change the 'Buy'/'Sold' to a different color. So basically I want to change the color

    Thank you

    Best Regards
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    The easiest way to do this is to first install WinRAR, right-click your Essentials.jar, and then click "Open with WinRAR". After that, open the file called and edit away! These are the strings that are displayed in-game. Also, make sure to always restart your server, not reload.
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    Ok, thank you very much. I just have one last question. Do you have a link or a guide on how to use the color codes. Or what they are called. What I mean with color codes is for example this: \u00a73 or something similar. Thank you once again @oceantheskatr
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    @MinniPvP, Not sure what you mean, what are they put out like in the file?
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    After that I did what @oceantheskatr told me, then this was written (just a part of the config, all I want to know is how to change the colors. Whitch I belive is the numbers that have a \[some numbers]) I just want to know where I can see what the different color codes is

    action=\u00a75* {0} \u00a75{1}
    addedToAccount=\u00a7a{0} has been added to your account.
    addedToOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} added to {1}\u00a7a account. New balance\: {2}
    alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7r {1} \u00a76 {2} at\: {3}
    antiBuildBreak=\u00a74You are not permitted to break\u00a7c {0} \u00a74blocks here.
    antiBuildCraft=\u00a74You are not permitted to create\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
    antiBuildDrop=\u00a74You are not permitted to drop\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
    antiBuildInteract=\u00a74You are not permitted to interact with\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
    antiBuildPlace=\u00a74You are not permitted to place\u00a7c {0} \u00a74here.
    antiBuildUse=\u00a74You are not permitted to use\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
    autoAfkKickReason=You have been kicked for idling more than {0} minutes.
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    The 4 in that is the colour code. You can change the 4 to something between 0-9 or a-f for colours, and then the ones for formating (l, m, n, o)
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