Help With List Please

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by PENGUllN, Aug 17, 2015.

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    Hey I'm new to java and trying to create my first plugin , but I'm a bit stuck.
    I need your help
    I'm trying to create a command where if you kill another player you become "Wanted" ,
    So i need help with when player kills another player he gets added into a list that displays
    when typing a command such as /wanted list name will appear in the list
    also i need to get it to remove player from wanted list if a player kills the "Wanted" player

    I have no clue how to make this so i need help please
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    What have you tried? Simply saying "I don't know how to make it" is insufficient, you need to show that you've done some research on how to tackle this problem.
  3. Moved to Plugin Development.
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    @teej107 Thanks for the links
    but I mean have you any pointers or suggestions for me
    I'm new to java I mean like really new so I have no clue where to start :D
  6. @PENGUllN Here is possibly the biggest tip for Bukkit. Learn Java before doing Bukkit and don't learn Bukkit from YouTube tutorials.
    mine-care likes this.
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    @PENGUllN If you aren't comfortable with Java, then I suggest you get comfortable with it before trying to write Bukkit plugins. Writing Bukkit plugins requires a knowledge of Java.
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    @PENGUllN Well Pogostick29Dev has nice Java and Bukkit tutorials, don't watch TheBCBroz. Thenewboston and Derek Banas have both nice Java tutorials
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    Add players to an arraylist when they kill somebody.
    send a message with the arraylist containments
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    I forgot that
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