Creating a big plugin with many classes like essentials

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Lightspeed, Apr 1, 2015.

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    If you look at most big plugins they use supers.
    How can I do somthing like these plugins so I don't have to do stuff like
    Class c = new Class(this);
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    @Lightspeed Well you can't do that for everything, you only do that when a class extends another.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2015
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  5. Offline


    Can you help me understand how this works and what exactly it's doing
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    Here is a small example
    public class Animal {
       private final String noise;
       protected Animal(String noise) {
          this.noise = noise;
       public void makeNoise() {
    public class Cat extends Animal {//Cat extends Animal
        public Cat() {
           super("Meow");//call the original constructor with this value
    public class Pig extends Animal {
        public Pig() {
    Search around on Google, there is a lot about Super.
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    Unless you want to make methods that will react the same between classes, there is no use in doing this.
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    SO i look through there code trying to understand how everthing works and I see this . . .
    package net.ess3.api;
    public interface IWarps extends com.earth2me.essentials.api.IWarps
    What is this? It looks like it does nothing.
  10. @Lightspeed You should learn Java if you haven't already. If you learned Java, you would know what all this stuff is and what it does. ;)
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    2. public class Essentials extends JavaPlugin implements net.ess3.api.IEssentials
    3. {
    4. public Essentials(final Server server)
    5. {
    6. super(new JavaPluginLoader(server), new PluginDescriptionFile("Essentials", "", "com.earth2me.essentials.Essentials"), null, null);
    7. }

    I'm pretty sure they have this for testing purposes. But to understand this: just realize that super() is passing information to the parent class. In this case, it's passing dependencies to JavaPlugin.

    Generally, you need to worry about super() at all... Just be aware that anytime you extend a class, you might need to supply that Parent Class with information via super()... (so that its fields can get initialized).

    It's really that simple: Is the Parent Class requesting dependencies ? If so, call super(). If not, don't worry about it.

    Here's another example:

    There are 3 classes: Two child classes SndArena & BombArena that are VERY SIMILAR. All of the shared code is in the parent class: EodArena.

    I started with only BombArena, which is a Sabotage rule-set. Then lots of people requested Search N Destroy rule-set. I added SndArena. Then I noticed a lot of duplication of code (which is bad), so I refactored the duplicated code into a parent class that they could share (EodArena).

    As far as creating a big plugin or application, i think a lot of developers use UML for this ?
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    super is just a keyword for referring to the parent instance (just like using "this", but it's the parent class(es) you're extending from). When you see a subclass call super(...) in the constructor it's initalizing the parent class first before continuing its own creation.
    dlange likes this.
  14. Offline


    @Lightspeed It doesn't make any sense to use this everywhere... Why do you want do so badly?
  15. Offline


    @nverdier Most errors I get need to access many classes for different things hubloc, vanished? and a few secret things to make it so I can catch hackers without staff hehe
  16. Offline


    @Lightspeed But why do you want to use supers everywhere?
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    I don't see how "secret" things require you to utilise a language construct that is not at all applicable to your use case is helping.
    nverdier likes this.
  18. Offline


    @mythbusterma No no supers wont help these "secret" things. . .
    @nverdier It will make it so I can access things easier. Example
    Class Hub can get the location of hub CommandsPkg:HubCommand to create if it dosent exist or teleport.
    MiniGamesPkgOrsomthing: when the game is over they get tped to hub. Don't hate I like my code organized. :p
    EDIT: and yes i said the classes in the wrong order.
  19. Offline


    @Lightspeed That doesn't make it organized... I suggest you learn what they are used for and only use it when applicable.
  20. Offline


    Inheritence is not a substitute nor tool for project structure.
    Europia79 likes this.
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    I'm not good at explaining . . . as you can see

    @nverdier Ok got it can you just explain to me why there are supers for eveything in essentials plugin every class exept for interfaces or barley any regular classes don't have super

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
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    Because they have a structure that all dependant classes inherit from the same type because that makes sense to them.
  23. Offline


    ragequit I will solve this latur solved for now[cake] to you for all yoru replies and some liquid cheese[lava] enjoy
  24. Offline


    Mhmmm... Well then.
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  26. Offline


    Ok I understand everything exept for: In the essentials plugin there are multiple command with a super("nameofcmd") and that the name of the cmd is it getting the name? super?
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    That's just passing the string "nameofcmd" to the parent class constructor, which most likely uses it to register the command.
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    ik but where in the class does it take that and make it the cmd I can't find it
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    Lightspeed and nverdier like this.
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    Sorry I didn't see that i read too fast XD

    @1Rogue The question I ment to ask instead of the one before was How are all the command classes loaded/initialized?

    {{Posts merged by Myrathi}}
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2015
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