Random Meteors - Plugin request

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Block_Blazer, Oct 30, 2014.

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    This plugin would add random meteor showers with multi-world support. An example can be found on this video by SimplySarc. Skip to 13:10 to see example.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Block_Blazer Please explain what you want exactly without referring to a video.
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    What I would like is at random times, flaming block entities (items) with a trail of fire to fall from the sky and hit the ground with a small, non-damaging explosion. Specifically for players to obtain valuable resources in block form on a scarce landscape. This would occur at a set about of time, and would have a set block of choice.
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    I'm going to take this project, give me a week or two and I should have it done.
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    okey. I will have to be patient then. Hopefully my server can wait.
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    Hey, just saying, but you never filled this request. also, why did you say you'll do it when you BukkitDev account is not linked? it doesn't even matter anymore... iv'e moved past this. -.-
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    @Block_Blazer Still wanting ? if yes, explain exactly what you want
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    IDK is this the one you want or not...... It is better cause it included many others weather. So hope you'll give it a try,
    @Block_Blazer .
    P/S: Also included meteors weather.
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    I have already explained up in the thread. The #3rd post explains.
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    woahhh there. That meteor is WAY to destructive. plus, my purpose was to use this in a non-atmospheric environment. fire would not be able to happen. but... I do have an idea for the Storm plugins though, so thanks for showing it to me.
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