Tutorial Set players velocity to go in a parabolic motion to another location.

Discussion in 'Resources' started by ChipDev, Dec 10, 2014.


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    First off: I want to thank this thread for doing all of this work; Some people requested it to be in the resources section, so I cleaned it up a bit. Thanks to @Hellsing and @Sethbling for writing it in python!
    What this does:

    This allows you to set a vector to an entity, to get it to a certain location with a certain hight on the way!
    Code (Again, thanks to sethbling and Hellsing!):
    public static Vector calculateVelocity(Vector from, Vector to, int heightGain)
            // Gravity of a potion
            double gravity = 0.115;
            // Block locations
            int endGain = to.getBlockY() - from.getBlockY();
            double horizDist = Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(from, to));
            // Height gain
            int gain = heightGain;
            double maxGain = gain > (endGain + gain) ? gain : (endGain + gain);
            // Solve quadratic equation for velocity
            double a = -horizDist * horizDist / (4 * maxGain);
            double b = horizDist;
            double c = -endGain;
            double slope = -b / (2 * a) - Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c) / (2 * a);
            // Vertical velocity
            double vy = Math.sqrt(maxGain * gravity);
            // Horizontal velocity
            double vh = vy / slope;
            // Calculate horizontal direction
            int dx = to.getBlockX() - from.getBlockX();
            int dz = to.getBlockZ() - from.getBlockZ();
            double mag = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz);
            double dirx = dx / mag;
            double dirz = dz / mag;
            // Horizontal velocity components
            double vx = vh * dirx;
            double vz = vh * dirz;
            return new Vector(vx, vy, vz);
    If you scanned the whole code, you may of saw the 'distanceSquared' method. Here it is:
    private static double distanceSquared(Vector from, Vector to)
            double dx = to.getBlockX() - from.getBlockX();
            double dz = to.getBlockZ() - from.getBlockZ();
            return dx * dx + dz * dz;
    And how to use it:
    Bukkit.getPlayer("Kanss").setVelocity(calculateVelocity(Bukkit.getPlayer("Kanss").getLocation().toVector(), new Location(*YOURLOCATION*), *HEIGHT* 6));
    This will shoot me of into the lands!
    Thanks for reading,

    This is ALSO a resource that we may want, this could be a good search tool, helpful, so I'll try and merge gravities into this!

    double gravity = 0.667;
    double gravity = 0.115;
    Make sure to replace gravity with the type you want, or you can use an enum and use it in your code:
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    public enum GravityType {
            POTION(0.115), PLAYER(0.667);
            private double g;
            private GravityType(double s) {
                g = s;
            public double getValue() {
                return g;

    Please tell me more, so we can all work on this!
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2014
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    1 Problem, I tried this a few weeks ago, and the gravity of a player is not 0.115, so this will not shoot the player to the requested location.
    First find out the actual gravity of a player.

    With trial and error I found the gravity of a FallingBlock entity is 0.37.
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    It seems that it doesn't work that well for players when you use big distances between 'from' and 'to'. If I choose a distance of e.g. 40 blocks and a heightGain of 20 blocks i end up at a distance of 30 blocks and my flight is not parabolic. I would guess that there's a problem with air resistance.
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    Yes, But not for potions.
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    Potions should have air resistence as well: means they as well don't fly in a perfect parabolic curve, like the used formula expects it. This should be noticeable if you try this with higher distances.

    In this thread I have mentioned how I have tried to accomplish this for longer distances (100+ blocks range) in the past. Though the shown code there, while it seems to work quite well, is slightly outdated already: I have applied some improvements to it in the meantime (those mostly affect the table creation and how the gaps between different curves and for fast projectiles are filled) though I wasn't yet able to test those improvements and verify their correctness. But the basic idea is still the same.
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