Noob wanting plugins

Discussion in 'General Help' started by allucaneat, Nov 30, 2014.

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    So can anyone give me simple instructions on how to start to get plugins on my server running 1.8?

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to Bukkit alternatives
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    Download Spigot 1.8 (compile with Maven)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    AronTheGamer He wants plugins, I think that he already has the jar
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    1. Download plugins
    2. Move the downloaded 'jar'-files to the 'plugins' folder in your server directory
    3. Type the '/reload' command in your Minecraft chat or 'reload' in your server console.
    4. Have fun!

    Recommended plugins:
    1. Essentials
    2. PermissionsEx (Essentials GroupManager doesn't work on 1.8)
    3. WorldEdit (open zip and take .jar file from it)
    4. WorldGuard (open zip and take .jar file from it, depends on WorldEdit so make sure to install that too)
  6. If this guy is using a 1.8 server, please take in now some features may be broken for example, holograms, bossbar - but there is also some other new features like ActionBar, Title and Tab header and footer, but you may have issues if you use holograms due to they have changed in 1.8 code.
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