[HorseMount] How to make a casting timer and make the player ride a horse?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BaHeTo0, Aug 12, 2014.

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    I realy need help with examples of code if you can please.

    So what i need is to know how can i do a casting timer. For example you rightclick a saddle and a 5 seconds start counting down and if you move or engage pvp the countdown stops and nothing happens but if you dont and the countdown reaches 0 you will be set to ride a horse and if you leave the horse it despawns!
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  3. To make the player ride the horse do a little code like this:

    1. horse.setPassenger(player);
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    thanks, but still i dont know how to do the casting
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    The countdown can be done with what Totom3 sais; scheduled programming.
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    BaHeTo0 When you schedule the task, you either get a task ID or a BukkitTask object. Store that in a Map<UUID, Integer/BukkitTask> (depending on which methods you use), and check if they have a Map entry in the movement/damage listener. If existant, cancel the task.
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    as i said "I realy need help with examples of code if you can please."
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    new BukkitRunnable () {
      public void run() {
        // mount the player on his horse
    }.runTaskLater(plugin, time);
    That's an example.
    fireblast709 likes this.
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    To expand it a tiny bit:
    BukkitTask task = new BukkitRunnable()
        public void run()
            // Mount
            // remove BukkitTask from Map
    }.runTaskLater(plugin, time);
    // add BukkitTask to Map
    Your listeners would do the following:
    • remove from Map, store the value returned
    • if the return value is not null, invoke cancel()
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