WorldBorder Mcpvp

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AranhaGameplayBR, Jul 29, 2014.


How to make this worldborder?

  1. WorldEdit

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  2. BorderGuard

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  1. Hello guys, I have a server HardcoreGames and I need to know how
    I can do that forcefield of mcpvp (World Border), except I want to do it in a simple way, using only 1 block, someone could tell me how?


  2. Offline


    What do you mean? A block you can't see and can't walk through? In that case, use iron doors (use worldedit to set them, player's can't toggle them nor walk through them).
    You could also use chests and wooden doors.
  3. Offline


    Iron doors chest and wooden doors, can glitch out, use the backside of ladders. You cant see or walk through them.
  4. Offline


    Why don't you check X,Y,Z and then if their over your set limit tp them back -20 blocks depending which way they're facing.

    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) {
    3. Player p = event.getPlayer();
    4. if (p.getLocation().getBlockY() < 95) {
    5. p.teleport(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 340, 104, 1287, (float) 180.10F, (float) 0.5));
    6. }
    7. else if (p.getLocation().getBlockX() > 391) {
    8. p.teleport(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 340, 104, 1287, (float) 180.10F, (float) 0.5));
    9. }
    10. else if (p.getLocation().getBlockX() < 288) {
    11. p.teleport(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 340, 104, 1287, (float) 180.10F, (float) 0.5));
    12. }
    13. else if (p.getLocation().getBlockZ() > 1339) {
    14. p.teleport(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 340, 104, 1287, (float) 180.10F, (float) 0.5));
    15. }
    16. else if (p.getLocation().getBlockZ() < 1235) {
    17. p.teleport(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 340, 104, 1287, (float) 180.10F, (float) 0.5));
    18. }
    19. else if (p.getLocation().getBlockY() > 200) {
    20. p.teleport(new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 340, 104, 1287, (float) 180.10F, (float) 0.5));
    21. }
    22. }
  5. Offline


    Never experienced any glitching, but yeh I forget to mention the backs of ladders.
  6. Offline


    Well, I've been on that server before, and (for those who havent), its a border around the world at around 400 400 and -400 -400; its an HG sort of server. This comment is just to get an idea. And also if you're, say ~10 blocks from it, you cant break or place blocks.
  7. Offline


    It's not really glitching as sort, just that sometime a few chest, doors texture shows up.
    thomasb454 likes this.
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