PHP -> SQL -> server

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by To175, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Can you make this please ?
    A system to do a command on webpage with php and it is communicated to the server. This can be quite easy : With php we write the command in the MySQL database and the server scan every x second the datas (like for other datas) so that when there is a command, the server can run the command then delete the row !
    And we don't need any weird configuration with ports etc...
    Do you understand what I meen ?
    Thanks !
  2. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 So input commands in the php page and run them on the server? You can also do that with JSONAPI
  3. Offline


    Thanks ,
    I can't open ports, that's why I am asking for an easy plugin which can be fast to use and efficient :)
  4. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    JSONAPI can use the minecraft port these days, other ports aren't really needed
  5. Offline


    I don't understand...
    I have configured JSONAPI but it didn't work at all with a simple call. My server host said that my server host had to open the ports and they don't want ! So I can't have the same ports open on server and website...
    JSONAPI need ports, I don't understand your msg sorry.
  6. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 From experience: put the port on 25565 ( or your other minecraft port ) last time I used it it worked fine
  7. Offline


    Thanks for your help, I will be more clear :p
    So, a such plugin does not existe but it could be verry usefull for webmaster like me...
    And I think this is not soo hard to develop that's why I asked for.

    So I am waiting for a nice developper to do it :rolleyes:
  8. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 Let's make myself clear: you don't need to open new ports!
  9. Offline


    whyyyyyy so you say that and preconize the 25565 ??
    And why my jsonapi doesn't work ?
  10. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    1. Yes, used it myself that way.
    2. Don't know, error log?
    3. If this all is not working then I can make this
  11. Offline


    There is only this on my page :

    "salt" there is nothing because it has been removed by the autors.
    10252 is the port to connect my server 88.xx.xx.xx:10252
    BUT I have also used 40088 which is the only other port open in my server.
    Var_dump returns NULL !

    LOGs :

    I see an other IP here... what it is ?

    Finally, I used the standart php file :
  12. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 Config of JSONAPI is not configured on the server port
  13. Offline


    what ?
  14. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Could you post your jsonapi config?
  15. Offline


    which ? I have post all I have...
    Isn't it ?
  16. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 JSONAPI has a config file in plugins/JSONAPI, talking about that one
  17. Offline


    I have posted it...
    this is :
  18. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 It is not a PHP file, it is a config file, one with a .yml extension, in the server!
  19. Offline


    ok , config.yml :
  20. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 That was the one.
    Try this one:
    # API methods on the method-whitelist will be
    # able to called without any sort of authentication
    - getPlayerLimit
    - dynmap.getPort
    max_queue_age: 30
    max_queue_length: 500
    startup-delay: 2000
    port: 10252
    ip-whitelist: []
    log-to-console: true
    log-to-file: 'false'
    anyone-can-use-calladmin: false
    use-new-api: true
  21. Offline


    Yes :
    This is the port to CONNECT MY SERVER ! ... of course it is busy ....
  22. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Did work before, will make this plugin for you then
  23. Offline


    ok thanks you verry much !
    But do you think that the plugin I descibed is a really good idea ?
  24. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    It all depends on what you are using it for.
    Config contains default database stuff, table variable ( you can define it yourself :D ), time variable, in seconds.
    Table is self creating, contains 2 columns. First one is the ID, used to identify the command ( for removal ) second one is the command, without the /

    When not working: post the full startup log till the moment that you stop the server ( or after the complete error )
    ID column is auto_increment btw, so don't need to insert on that one
    To175 and Garris0n like this.
  25. Offline


    Thanks !!!
    I have some issues right after putting the .jar in my folder !

    And I was thinking about new features :
    • somethings to run this command on the server :
    /wcSend xxx
    Like that a row is inserted => || ID : "n" | command : "wcsend xxx" | player : "to175" ||

    • somethings to timeout the command :
    I do /wcsend 60 pex user to175 group set defaut.
    Like that the command is ran 1 (real) minute later !
    · And on my website => server I can insert "wcReceive 60 pex user to175 group set defaut", it will does the same things.
    Row : || ID : "n" | command : "wcReceive pex user to175 group set defaut" | player : "to175" | timeout : "60"||

    Thanks !

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  26. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  27. Offline


    Ok it works anyway !!
  28. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    To175 Could you please upload the entire log to ?
    And please use the tahg button if you reply to me
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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