Inactive [EDIT] InstaBreak v2.0 - Break blocks instantly! [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by R3ality, Apr 5, 2011.

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    InstaBreak - Break blocks instantly!
    Version: v2.0 (CraftBukkit build #1060)

    This plugin allows players to break blocks with just one strike using an universal InstaBreak tool. It was initially created as a simple, lightweight alternative to the superpickaxe included in the fantastic WorldEdit plugin.

    Current features include support for multi-world permissions (including nether) by the Permissions plugin (usage is optional) and a variety of customizable options and in-game commands (or option to disable any customization if you just want the plain-simple core functionality :)).


    • Save inventory slots! - No need to carry multiple tools, the InstaBreak tool works on all* blocks
    • Save time! - Break any* block or placed item with one strike!
    • Break blocks from far away (ranged breaking)!
    • Support for the Permissions plugin (tested with 3.1.5b and 2.7.4, usage is optional)
      • Multi-world permissions support (including nether)!
    • Support for protection plugins (tested with WorldGuard 5.0-dev and EssentialsProtect 2.3.3)
    • Allow breaking of bedrock (also known as Adminium) blocks*
    • In-game commands
      • Change the InstaBreak tool to ANY type of block or item!
      • Toggle InstaBreak mode for ANY player in the server!
      • Toggle block drops upon breaking!
    • Uses a configuration file to persistantly keep settings.
      • Option to turn off commands and permission usage completely (leaving just core functionality).
      • Option to toggle if block breaking is counted in the "Times Mined" of player Statistics.
    * - Except the bottom-most layer of bedrock (breaking that has been intentionally disabled)
    Note: This plugin doesn't affect actions against other entities in any way (players and NPC-s)

    Download: [​IMG] InstaBreak v2.0 (.jar only)


    • Download and place "InstaBreak.jar" file into the "plugin" directory of the server.
    • Start/restart the server to have the plugin loaded (or use a plugin manager)
    • (optional) Make changes in the configuration file
      Read the "Configuration File" section below for details..
    • (if using Permissions) Grant desired permission nodes to users or groups
      Read the "Permissions" section below for details..
    Permissions / Configuration file:
    Show permissions and configuration info (open)

    Permissions plugin usage is optional. If you are not using it the plugin will default to using the regular "ops.txt" (all commands will be enabled for all ops). If you are using permissions but you do not want it to apply to this plugin there is an option to make the plugin "static" via the configuration file (read below)

    The plugin utilizes the following permission nodes:

    instabreak.toggle - allow player to toggle InstaBreak mode for themselves
    Commands enabled: /ib + /ib info

    instabreak.force - allow player to toggle InstaBreak mode for other players
    Commands enabled: /ib list + /ib enable + /ib disable + (all of the above)

    instabreak.config - allow player to make InstaBreak configuration changes
    Commands enabled: /ib tool + /ib drop + (all of the above)

    Special additional permission:

    instabreak.bedrock - allow player to break bedrock blocks.
    instabreak.ranged - allow player to break blocks at a distance.
    Note: Player still needs to be in InstaBreak mode for these to apply.


    Configuration file:

    In case the configuration file doesn't exist it is created automatically with default values when the plugin is loaded. This means you probably don't need to worry about it at all!

    Configuration file uses the .yml format (no tabs and be careful with spaces!) and will be at "plugins/InstaBreak/config.yml". The default (with added comments) is as follows:
        dynamic: #These dynamic configuration settings can be changed with in-game commands aswell (read more in the commands section above).
            dropblocks: true #This controls if miniblocks are dropped when using the InstaBreak tool.
            toolid: 50 #This is the TypeId for the InstaBreak tool (Integer value). ID 0 (zero for AIR) = bare hand, ID 9999 = ANY block/tool.
            staticplugin: false #When set to "true" the plugin completely disables all in-game commands and omits any use of permissions. ALL players of the server will be in InstaBreak mode ALL the time, plain and simple :)
            respectprotection: true #When set to "true" the plugin tries to respect protection rules from other plugins. When set to "false" the InstaBreak tool will break protected blocks/items!
            workatrange: true #When set to "true" the InstaBreak tool will work at a distance.
            breakbedrock: true #When set to "true" the InstaBreak tool can be used to break bedrock blocks
            countstats: true #When set to "true" blocks broken with the InstaBreak tool will get added to the "Times Mined" counter in player Statistics.
    Show changelog (open)
    InstaBreak v2.0, released on July 22nd

    • Fixed ranged breaking
      Ranged breaking now works thorugh liquids (water and lava).
    • Added possibility to set the InstaBreak tool to ANY block/tool
      When tool ID is set to 9999 players can use anything as the InstaBreak tool
    InstaBreak v1.9.1, released on June 27th

    • Fixed issue with "/ib i" command
      While not having permissions to use ranged breaking it was still indicated as bein ENABLED. Details here..
    InstaBreak v1.9, released on June 17th

    • Support for protection plugins!
      InstaBreak now supports protection plugins (see the feature list for details on which plugins I tested this with). This feature is enabled by default but can be disabled in the configuration file.
    • Breaking blocks from a distance! (ranged breaking)
      InstaBreak tool can now breaks blocks at a distance of 200. This feature is enabled by default but can be disabled in the configuration file. It also adds a new permission node.
      Ranged breaking is slow when keeping the mouse button clicked to repeat the action (due to the arm swinging animation). This can be overcome by rapidly re-clicking the mouse button (*click*click*click*click*).
    • Improved the configuration file layout.
      An example can be found in the configuration file section above. In the new file, "config.static.*" nodes are for static settings (which can only be modified manually by editing the configuration file). "config.dynamic.*" nodes are for dynamic settings which can be changed with in-game commands in addition to the configuration file.
      NB! Delete the old configuration file when updating to this version!
    • Code cleanup and smaller improvements.
      Message coloring is now done a little more elegantly. Bedrock breaking feature can now also be toggled in the configuration file (making it usable in servers which do not use the Permissions plugin aswell)
      NB! Changed the bedrock breaking permission node name to "instabreak.bedrock"!
    InstaBreak v1.8, released on June 14th

    • Multi-world support!
      Support for multi-world permissions! Disables InstaBreak mode if player moves to a world where he/she does not have sufficient permissions. InstaBreak mode forced by the "/ib e" command is immune to these restrictions!
    InstaBreak v1.7, released on June 1th

    • Updated the plugin to the first recommended CraftBukkit build for Minecraft beta 1.6
      Due to this the plugin no longer works with older CraftBukkit builds!
    • Fixed the issue which didn't allow breaking bedrock blocks through water blocks
      Also removed the constraint which did not allow instabreaking bedrock blocks at map height > 127
    InstaBreak v1.6.1, released on May 11th

    • Fixed issue of the console being spammed with a "[SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_ANIMATION to InstaBreak"
      However it is no longer possible to break bedrock blocks when standing at a height of 127 or higher
    InstaBreak v1.6, released on May 11th

    • Breaking blocks using the InstaBreak tool gets counted in your Statistics (Times Mined value)
      This does not apply to bedrock blocks and can be disabled in the plugin configuration file
    • Fixed isse with disabling the plugin using a plugin manager
      Players who are in InstaBreak mode no longer keep it after the plugin is disabled
    • Announcement about changed settings (InstaBreak tool and block drops) is no longer server-wide
      Instead it is only shown to players that currently are in InstaBreak mode or who have sufficient permissions to enable it
    InstaBreak v1.5, released on April 18th

    • Implemented bedrock breaking
      Bedrock can now be broken (except the bottom-most layer of the map). This is enabled through a special permission.
    • Changed display message..
      ..which is shown if "/ib enable" or "/ib disable" is attempted on players that have sufficient permissions to toggle it themselves
    • Enabled "/ib info" command..
      ..for players that have been granted the InstaBreak mode with "/ib enable"
    InstaBreak v1.4

    • Added configuration file usage
      Plugin now uses a configuration file to save the important stuff when server "stop"-s gracefully. Configuration file is generated automatically with default values if it doesn't exist.
    • Added Permissions plugin support!
      Using it is completely optional. If it is not loaded the plugin will default to "ops.txt". See abobe for a list of grantable permissions..
    • Changed the overall command structure and added more commands
    • Added option to change the universal InstaBreak tool.
      Either from the configuration file or with in-game command (if sufficient permissions)
    • Added option to disable miniblock dropping.
      Either from the configuration file or with in-game command (if sufficient permissions)
    • Added option to grant InstaBreak mode to ANY player (and list or remove them)
      Done with in-game commands (if sufficient permissions). The target player does not need ANY permissions or special rights.
    • Added option to load the plugin in "static" mode.
      This can be set in the configuration file. It disables all in-game commands and any permissions functionality. All players of the server will be in InstaBreak mode, plain and simple :)
    • Rewrote core logic and general code cleanup.
      Instead of listening to block damage events (as in prior versions) the plugin now listens for player interaction events. Results in improved speed and functionality
    • Fixed breaking of TNT blocks.
      The explosion is no longer triggered upon breaking..
    • Fixed issue with miniblocks not being dropped.
      All blocks (except bedrock :( but I'm working on that) and placed items should now drop miniblocks.
    • Fixed issue with using InstaBreak tool on large chests (2 connected chests).
      There still *might* be errors if the 2 chests are placed using MCEdit tool (and perhaps other map editors).
    InstaBreak v1.3

    • Fixed issue with breaking bedrock blocks
      It shouldn't be possible to break bedrock blocks using this plugin any more
    • Fixed issue with entering the commands from server console
    InstaBreak v1.2

    • Changed command syntax.
      Using just "/ib" displays current status. Enable/Disable is now done via "/ib on" and "/ib off"
    InstaBreak v1.1

    • InstaBreak mode now only applies if player is using a torch (item id 50)
      This is in case other players in the server do not wish to benefit from the InstaBreak functionality for whichever reason. They can keep using their tools the normal way.
    • When plugin gets enabled/disabled it is globally announced
    InstaBreak v1.0

    • Initial version
    Known issues / Future ideas:
    Show issues and ideas (open)
    Known issues:

    • Items which are not breakable by hand (see table here) currently DO get broken. But they WILL NOT drop a miniblock for you to pick up fixed in v1.4
    • Typing in the commands from server console results in errors fixed in v1.3
    • It is in some cases possible to break bedrock (when clicking on a non-bedrock block and then moving cursor onto a bedrock block) fixed in v1.3
    • Using InstaBreak tool on a large chest (2 connected chests) results in an error and client gets disconnected. fixed in v1.4
    • Trying to break bedrock blocks through water doesn't work fixed in v1.7
    • Breaking blocks with InstaBreak tool is not takin into account in Statistics (maybe even a good thing) fixed in v1.6, is configurable
    • Disabling the plugin with a plugin manager (for example PlugMan) disables commands but does not remove InstaBreak mode from any players currently in it fixed in v1.6
    • Ranged breaking does not work through water (or lava) fixed in v2.0
    Future ideas:

    • Add permission support added in v1.4
    • Add ability to choose/change the universal InstaBreak tool added in v1.4
    • Do something with damaging TNT. Currently instabreaks but still triggers explosion. done in v1.4
    • Do something with damaging monster spawners. Currently instabreaks but leaves flame animation.
    • Enable bedrock breaking via special permission and/or configuration setting done in v1.5
    • If "/ib tool" or "/ib drop" commands are used, the status announcement will be made server-wide. This should probably be made to only the players that can actually use the InstaBreak tool fixed in v1.6
    • InstaBreak mode granted with "/ib enable" command is lost upon player reconnecting. Maybe it should persist until disabled manually or server "stop" cancelled until highly requested
    • Add direct download link for only .jar file added since v1.5
    • Multiworld support.. added in v1.8
    • Breaking blocks from a distance added in v1.9
    • Allow players to use any block/tool as the InstaBreak tool added in v2.0
    • Make instabreak tool instakill entities
    • Add in-game commands to toggle ranged and bedrock breaking
    Like this plugin?
    In that case feel free to show your support by making a donation :)
  2. Offline


    Suppose, instead of making the item into air, you instead set the mining speed (the X.0F value) and the damage value (the last value in the materials table, iirc) to very high numbers (damage goes in .5 hearts, so 100 = 50 hearts damage) for the diamond material? This would, in effect, allow any diamond item to near-instantly destroy any block. Not sure if it's possible to do this with a plugin, though.
  3. Offline


    @g_BonE and Treksdot: Treksdot is correct, setting that to true will enable InstaBreak mode for all players in the server. It will actually disable all the in-game commands and any permissions checking completely..

    @Kevrlet: Thanks, I will look into it..
  4. Offline


    amazing plugin, thanks for this :)
  5. Offline


    Thanks for updating it!! This is what a good Dev. is like!
  6. Offline


    Tested with the latest recommended build #677. Seems to be working fine!
  7. Offline


    Hey,i tested your plugin and its awesome but there is a problem with iZone protection,i have protection to my house but others can break it with your plugin easily.They cant with other tools,just only with the plugin.
  8. Offline


    @Johnienna: Yes, as I already tried to explain in my post here, that is unfortunately the case with any plugins providing instabreaking functionality.
  9. Offline


    Does this work for MAC because when i try it everything is fine but when i break a block it doesnt instabreak (i know u have to set a tool. my tool is air)
  10. Offline


    @mortystak: Honestly I have no experience running minecraft and/or CraftBukkit using a mac. But if bukkit works fine otherwise I would assume this plugin should aswell. Did you *go into* instabteaking mode aswell? (command "/im")
  11. Offline


    Is it possible to get this to be multiworld compatible? What I want to be able to do is have my one world be normal survival and my other world be creative mode, so I want to let my members use /ib in the creative world, but not have it transfer over to the survival world when they change.

    Right now, if someone does /ib in the creative world where they have the permissions to do so, and then they change world back to the survival one, the instant break stays with them. So would it be possible to have it turn off when changing worlds, or have an option for that?
  12. Offline


    @Azur: Can you give me an idea on how the permissions part would normally be set up in such a situation? Are you setting permissions separately for each world?

    New version:
    I decided not to implement the persistent InstaBreak mode (keeping it enabled during player disconnect/connect). I'd have to re-write some of the core logic behind the in-game commands. So unless people start requesting it specifically it's not coming..

    I also added a direct download link for the latest .jar file. Feel free to use this any way you see fit (for any plugins providing automatic update functionality for example)..

    @Kryppuk and @xCrap: The new version now features bedrock breaking functionality! :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  13. Offline


    Can you get yourself supported in CraftBukkitUpToDate?
  14. Offline


    @RobotGymnast: I personally do not have enough time or motive to keep track of the development status of CraftBukkitUpToDate or other similar plugins and will not be requesting InstaBreak to be added to any of them..

    However I did provide a direct download link to the .jar file (the URL of which will remain unchanged throughout the next releases) so feel free to have it added to CraftBukkitUpToDate yourself :)

    The direct link to the .jar is (as linked in the first post):
  15. Offline


    Recommended build for Minecraft 1.5_02 is out (#733, good job team Bukkit! :)) and tested, plugin seems to work fine!

    One thing to keep in mind is that blocks broken with the InstaBreak tool do not get added to the "Times Mined" counter in the Statistics! I will briefly look into a workaround but most likely this is how it will stay at least for the time being (until there is a better way to implement block breaking within Bukkit)
  16. Offline


    Hello im having trouble breaking bedrock for some reason. Im running craftbukkit on the latest recommended build 733 and using your plugin with permissions, all the other ib commands work and im pretty confident i setup the permissions correctly to break bedrock (user placed if it matters) any suggestions?
  17. Offline


    @Xuande08: I tested bedrock breaking once again with build #733 and did not encounter any issues. It basically requires 3 things to work as expected:
    1. Player must have the "instabreak.breakbedrock" permission (in addition to any other instabreak permissions)
    2. Player must be in InstaBreak mode (either does "/ib" himself or has somone do "/ib enable <Player>" on him)
    3. Left clicks on bedrock with correct tool (default is a regular TORCH)
    Even then there is one restriction - the bottom bedrock layer of the map (height 1 if i remember correctly) cannot be broken (intentionally)

    EDIT: I tested with Permissions plugin version 2.7 now (originally I added support when latest version was 2.5.5) and it works fine! I updated the first post aswell..
  18. Could you perhaps provide a permission node that if players have they're always in IB mode and cannot toggle it and an option (or permission) to have them be able to instantly break any block no matter what tool they are using, please?
  19. Offline


    Very good plugin, but can you add a check, when someone activate it in the world1 (where he has the permissions) and teleport into the world2 (There he has no permissions to do that) he can continue to use it.
  20. Offline


    Excellent plugin. Only issue is an ugly error message when you try to place a block above height limit with instabreak enabled :
    [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_ANIMATION to InstaBreak
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Start block missed in BlockIterator
        at org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator.<init>(
        at org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator.<init>(
        at org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator.<init>(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftLivingEntity.getLineOfSight(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftLivingEntity.getTargetBlock(
        at com.r3ality.mail.InstaBreak.InstaBreakPlayerListener.onPlayerAnimation(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet18ArmAnimation.a(SourceFile:35)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    does not affect gameplay, but looks reeeally ugly on the console... thanks!
  21. Offline


    Yea, sorry for not responding earlier, but each world in permissions has it's own yml file named World.yml

    So, if a player has the permissions to instabreak on world1.yml and then changes to world2 with insta break still activated, that player is still able to instantly break blocks when they don't have the permissions for that world.
  22. Offline

    Clever Trevor

    Minecraft crashed on me when I was using ib and right clicked on a chest that was used by ChestProtect. server 1.5_02 and bukkit 766
  23. Offline


    @Pawned: I feel that those changes would nudge this plugin a little too far away from the initial reasoning behind creating it. If more people keep requesting similar features I might think about it though..

    @lolligertyp: I already started looking into the multi-world support per Azur-s request. Encountered some issues I haven't yet had time to battle with so I don't really have an answer if this is coming in a future release or not..

    @Nitnelave: I was able to reproduce this a couple of times (although not with a lot of concistency) and it really seems this is an issue with Bukkit. InstaBreak is listening for the PLAYER_ANIMATION events regarding bedrock breaking ability - however above the map height limit Bukkit seems to fail passing them on for some reason..
    EDIT: While I cannot confirm/deny the above (about it being a *bug* of Bukkit) I created a small-and-dirty fix to it. This console spam should no longer be generated in InstaBreak 1.6.1

    @Azur: Thanks for the reply. I will look into this in more detail when I got a little more time on my hands..

    @Clever Trevor: Can you please specify which plugin excacly you are having this issue with. The plugin search here does not give any results for "ChestProtect".
    At any rate this behaviour sounds weird because InstaBreak does not hook or in any way affect right clicking events - only left clicking...

    New version..
    Also, tested with build CraftBukkit build #766. Seems to work without issues!

    Minor update fixing some console spam..
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  24. Offline


    Could you fix this for 740 ? It would be Awesome!
  25. Offline



    at the start the plugin worked fine but now its only working for me and not for my friends


    my friend is admin and when he types in /ib he gets an error
    "An internal error occured while attempting to perform this command"
    the same error i get when i want to give some one the permissions (/ib enable xxx)

    what can be the problem?
  26. Offline


    Plugin checked against the latest recommended bukkit build #803. Everything seems fine!

    @Makan747: I reported the plugin already compatible with build #766 a while before your post (and #766 > #740) so you have me a little confused here.. :confused:
    Anyway, the latest recommended build as of the time of this post is #803, so you should get that instead..

    @Babadegl: I was not able to reproduce any similar issues. If you give a more detailed description of the setup (client version, server version, other plugins, log, ect.) I can't look into it again, but currently it seems the issue might be on your end.
  27. Request: permission node to make the stick work at range, like the old hMod iStick did, ty!
  28. Offline


  29. Saw these fly by a few times:

    17:39:19 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_ANIMATION to InstaBreak
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Start block missed in BlockIterator
            at org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator.<init>(
            at org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator.<init>(
            at org.bukkit.util.BlockIterator.<init>(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftLivingEntity.getLineOfSight(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftLivingEntity.getTargetBlock(
            at com.r3ality.mail.InstaBreak.InstaBreakPlayerListener.onPlayerAnimation(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet18ArmAnimation.a(SourceFile:35)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:100)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
  30. Offline


    As in 1.6.4 it doesnt work at all.
    and in nether i get errors much much errors
  31. Offline


    I keep getting the error. :(

    17:49:34 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_INTERACT to InstaBreak
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.server.Block.a_(Lnet/minecraft/server
            at com.r3ality.mail.InstaBreak.InstaBreakPlayerListener.onPlayerInteract
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.jav
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.j
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEven
            at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.dig(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet14BlockDig.a(SourceFile:42)
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    any ideas?

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