[Util] Saving and Loading locations to and from Strings

Discussion in 'Resources' started by Shadowwolf97, Jan 17, 2014.

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    Hey everybody, if you are anything like me at all, you hate having to hard code in location data for a plugins that need to save a location even after the server restarts. I have written a few basic methods that will solve these problems, and convert Locations to Strings, and convert those Strings back into location objects.

    Serialize Location (Convert to String)
    1. public static String serializeLocation(Location l) {
    2. String s = "";
    3. s += "@w;" + l.getWorld().getName();
    4. s += ":@x;" + l.getBlockX();
    5. s += ":@y;" + l.getBlockY();
    6. s += ":@z;" + l.getBlockZ();
    7. s += ":@p;" + l.getPitch();
    8. s += ":@ya;" + l.getYaw();
    9. return s;
    10. }

    Deserialize Location (Convert back to Location object)
    1. public static Location deserializeLocation(String s) {
    2. Location l = new Location(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0), 0, 0, 0);
    3. String[] att = s.split(":");
    4. for(String attribute : att) {
    5. String[] split = attribute.split(";");
    6. if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("@w"))
    7. l.setWorld(Bukkit.getWorld(split[1]));
    8. if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("@x"))
    9. l.setX(Double.parseDouble(split[1]));
    10. if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("@y"))
    11. l.setY(Double.parseDouble(split[1]));
    12. if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("@z"))
    13. l.setZ(Double.parseDouble(split[1]));
    14. if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("@p"))
    15. l.setPitch(Float.parseFloat(split[1]));
    16. if(split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("@ya"))
    17. l.setYaw(Float.parseFloat(split[1]));
    19. }
    20. return l;
    21. }

    There are many things you can do with just these few lines of code, such as saving a spawn location, or saving the location of a block, the possibilities are endless.

    Let me know if there are any other code snippets you would like, and I'll see what I can do!
    Scullyking likes this.
  2. Offline


    Thanks, a useful snippet!
  3. Offline


    You could have gone by using array indexes instead of attributes, that would shorten the code a bit.
  4. Offline


    So many if loops and the attributes part is inefficient. No need to split twice.
  5. Offline


    Yeah I know, Ill revise the code, I had originally wanted to have it convert multiple locations to a String, but I decided against that, and just forgot to update the method.

    I suppose I could have, I just like being able to read the string and understand what is going on.
  6. Offline


    1. public String locToString(Location loc){
    2. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    3. sb.append(loc.getWorld().getName());
    4. sb.append(';');
    5. sb.append(loc.getX());
    6. sb.append(';');
    7. sb.append(loc.getY());
    8. sb.append(';');
    9. sb.append(loc.getZ());
    10. sb.append(';');
    11. sb.append(loc.getPitch());
    12. sb.append(';');
    13. sb.append(loc.getYaw());
    14. return sb.toString();
    15. }

    1. public Location strToLoc(String str){
    2. String[] data = str.split(';');
    3. return new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(data[0]), data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5]);
    4. }

    Untested, but should be correct :)
  7. Offline


    You forgot to return sb.toString() at the end :p
  8. Offline


    Shhhh... Only dreams now.
  9. Offline


    Thank you!
  10. Offline


    Thanks for that! :D
    Just wanted to add a bit to the strToLoc method, as the Doubles and Floats were never parsed.
    1. public Location strToLoc(String str){
    2. String[] data = str.split(";");
    3. return new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(data[0]), Double.parseDouble(data[1]), Double.parseDouble(data[2]), Double.parseDouble(data[3]), Float.parseFloat(data[4]), Float.parseFloat(data[5]));
    4. }
  11. Offline


    String based serialization is joke, what about byte[]?

    	public static final byte[] intToByteArray(int value) {
    	    return new byte[] {
    	            (byte)(value >>> 24),
    	            (byte)(value >>> 16),
    	            (byte)(value >>> 8),
    	public static byte[] Coordinate2ByteNONEG(int XZ)
    		if (XZ < 0)XZ *= -1;
    		return new byte[]{(byte) (XZ >>> 8),(byte) XZ};
    	public static int Byte2CoordinateNONEG(byte[] bytes)
    		return ((bytes[0] & 0xFF) << 8) + (bytes[1] & 0xFF);
    	public static byte ApplyNegs(byte B,boolean X, boolean Z)
    		if (X)
    			B += 64;
    		if (Z)
    			B *= -1;
    		return B;
    	public static byte GetNeg(byte B,boolean isX)
    		if (isX ? (B & 64)==0 : B < 0)
    			return -1;
    		return 1;
    	public static byte GetValue(byte B)
    		if (B < 0) B *= -1;
    		return (byte) (B & 63);
        static float factor = 360f/255f;
    	public static byte Compress360(float F)
    		return (byte) (F/factor);
    	public static float Extract360(byte B)
    		return (B & 0xFF)*factor;
    	public static byte[] serializeLocation(Location l) {
    		byte[] data = new byte[8];
    		data[0] = ApplyNegs((byte) Bukkit.getWorlds().indexOf(l.getWorld()),l.getBlockX() <0 , l.getBlockY() < 0);
    		byte[] x = Coordinate2ByteNONEG(l.getBlockX());
    		data[1] = x[0];
    		data[2] = x[1];
    		data[3] = (byte) l.getBlockY();
    		byte[] y = Coordinate2ByteNONEG(l.getBlockY());
    		data[4] = y[0];
    		data[5] = y[1];
    		data[6] = Compress360(l.getPitch());
    		data[7] = Compress360(l.getYaw());
    		return data;
  12. Offline


    What are the advantages of using byte arrays instead of Strings?
  13. Offline


    how many bytes your string based serialization consume per location?
  14. Offline


    I highly doubt a sheer couple of bytes makes much of a difference. Performance wise, your method is probably better by a handful of nanoseconds, a couple of milliseconds at most. Remember; premature optimization is the source of all evil.
  15. Offline


    looks like you dont understand how JVM works, what about benchmarking before posting something like this? Cirno
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