[INACTIVE][ADMN] MCCRestart v1.2.5 - Scheduled and delayed server restarts [677]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Cr@zy, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version: v1.2.5​

    MCCRestart is a tool to schedule server restarts. It saves player and chunk data before each restarts at specified times or delays and gives a warning message to each players before restart. You can also give a reason for the restart. (see commands section)
    If a problem occurs during restarts, post the mccrestart.log

    In your config.yml file you can specify for the launch parameter a batch file.
    Eg. 'run.bat' (you can download the run.zip join to this post)

    If the Permissions plugin is not detected, only OPs can use restart and mccrestart commands.

    [​IMG]MCCRestart v1.2.5
    Requirements: Java6+, Bukkit 677
    Optional: Permissions 2.0/2.7+

    For versions before 1.2.5 check YAML files!

    - Restarts server at specified time (24-hour format)
    - Or at delayed time (24-hour format)
    - Add a manual restart with a delay and/or a reason for.
    - Cancel a manual restart.
    - Warning message to players before restart.
    - Saves player and chunk data.
    - Multi-world compatible.
    - Add delay between stop and restart server.
    - Use config.yml and messages.yml to configure the plugin.
    - Don't modify the paramaters {n} in each YAML files.
    - Automatically creates config.yml and messages.yml in the plugin folder.

    OS compatibility
    Windows 7, Vista, XP... (x86 and x64 editions)
    OSX/Linux (work on it...)
    MacOS (work on it...)

    Any problems?
    Please submit a complete bug report with :
    - OS where the server is deployed.
    - Bukkit version.
    - Submit the mccrestart.log if there. (use http://pastebin.com/)
    - Submit your server.log. (use http://pastebin.com/)

    /mccrestart help - List MCCRestart commands
    /mccrestart reload - Reload the plugin configuration
    /mccrestart next - Give the next time to restart
    /restart - Restart the server immediately
    /restart 59:59 - Restart after a delay (minutes:seconds)
    /restart 59:59 reason - Restart after a delay with a reason
    /restart cancel - Cancel a manual restart


    config.yml example
        # Active/deactivate plugin
        enable: 'true'
        # Active/deactivate restart at times or delay (true or false)
        autorestart: 'true'
        # Args to launch the server (must be placed in your root server folder)
        launcher: 'java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar craftbukkit.jar'
        # If you want to launch a batch file (must be placed in your root server folder)
        #launcher: 'run.bat'
        # How many seconds before restart to show warning message to players. Separate seconds with a comma.
        warn: '30,10'
        # Scheduled times when the server is restarting. Use 24-hour time and separate times with a comma.
        times: '12:00:00,23:00:00'
        # Delay time between each restart. Use 24-hour time.
        delay: '02:00:00'
        # Choose type of restart (times or delay)
        type: 'delay'
        # Delay between stop and restart server if you have a lot of plugins (use minutes:secondes)
        stoptime: '00:10'
    messages.yml example
        warn: 'The server is being restarted...'
        warnTime: 'The server restarts in {0} seconds...'
        restart: 'The server is restarting...'
        disabled: 'MCCRestart is disabled'
        reload: 'MCCRestart reloaded'
        next: 'Next restart scheduled at {0}'
        reason: 'Reason: {0}'
        cancel: 'Manual restart cancelled'
        norestart: 'No restart is scheduled'
    run.bat example
    @echo off
    set memory=512
    if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~-2%"=="64" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xms%memory%M -Xmx%memory%M -jar "%~dp0craftbukkit.jar"
    if /I "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~-2%"=="86" java -Xms%memory%M -Xmx%memory%M -jar "%~dp0craftbukkit.jar"

    Version 1.2.5 [670]
    - Delay between stop and restart server if you have a lot of plugins (see config.yml)
    - More logs during restart
    - Adding multi-world compatibility.
    - Bug add a reason for a manual restart.

    Version 1.2.4 [670]
    - Add possibility to active deactivatee the plugin (config.yml)
    - Delete on|off command (use enable in config.yml and reload command)
    - Bug when autorestart false for manual restarts.
    - Increase thread latency.
    - Fix warn displays.
    - Fix console messages.

    Version 1.2.2 [670]
    - 'null' folder when generates configuration files.
    - Add manual restart with delay and reason.

    Version 1.2.0 [670]
    - Add delay time.
    - Possibility to choose delay or specified times.
    - Add next config command.

    Version 1.1.5 [670]
    - Bug to disable the plugin.
    - Add reload config command.

    Version 1.1.0 [670]
    - Update for bukkit 670.
    - Plugin optimised and cleaned.
    - Method changed to perform restart.

    Version 1.0.1 [612]
    - English language by default.

    Version 1.0.0 [612]
    - Release

    This is my first plugin : suggestions and feedback appreciated :)
    unenergizer likes this.
  2. Offline


    Ubuntu 10.10 + cb670 + MCCRestart v1.2.0

    «Null» directory for configs:

    Image 2.png
  3. Offline


    Generates config for me on Ubuntu 10.10 well. Do you have an error during launching?
  4. Offline


    It also generates a folder called 'null' for me.

    CentOS 5.6 32bit.
  5. Offline



    2011-04-12 03:04:51 [INFO] [MCCRestart] v1.2.0 launched on Linux
    2011-04-12 03:04:51 [INFO] [MCCRestart] Permissions 2.6 enabled for use.
    2011-04-12 03:04:51 [INFO] [MCCRestart] enabled for delay
    2011-04-12 03:04:51 [INFO] [MCCRestart] next restart scheduled at 05:04:51
  6. Offline


    Problem found thanks to your screenshot ;)
  7. Offline


    It seems your plugin now points to 'null' instead of 'MCCRestart' in the plugins folder after the latest update. Should be a simple fix.
  8. Offline


    Yes already report and prepare for the next release.
    Sorry for inconvenient
  9. warntime not work?

    its say only "The server is being restarted..." then restart but i want server say first "The server restarts in 20 seconds..." "The server restarts in 19 seconds..." etc..

    how fix?
  10. Offline


    New release!

    Work for me on v1.2.2, give me your config.yml and compare your config.yml with the example below.
  12. Offline


    Download the last release and delete the null folder in plugins.
  13. i delete null folder and download new plugin. i try /restart and its work but then i try /restart 0:20 and wait 20sec but not restart?
  14. Offline


    Hum works for me on Win7, what is your OS?
    A mccrestart.log is generated in the server folder?
  15. i have win7 too and i not find mccrestart.log?
  16. Offline


    Ok if there is no mccrestart.log, there is no problem with the plugin.
    Are you on Bukkit 670? Send me your server.log please.
  18. Offline


    Ok problem found. Gonna deploy a release soon to fix it.
    exel80 likes this.
  19. ok =)
  20. Offline


    Release 1.2.4 out!
    Check your YAML files, differences are present in this release!
  21. WORK! THX!!! you are best!!!
  22. Offline

    Alex K

    IDK Why, but this thing refuses to work for me. I would like to launch the batch file, but that doesn't work. By "It has to be in your bukkit folder" do you mean the plugins folder or the root directory where the banlist and ops are? I renamed it run.bat, but it just launches and gives me an error it cant find something, when it clearly can find it because I launch it every time. Below is the non-batch file script I've been using and it refuses to work, also. Any tips?
        # Active/deactivates plugin
        enable: 'true'
        # Active/deactivates restart at times or delay (true or false)
        autorestart: 'true'
        # Args to launch the server (must be placed in your bukkit folder)
        launcher: 'java -server -Xms1024m -Xmx1536m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar'
        # If you want to launch a batch file (must be placed in your bukkit folder)
        #launcher: 'run.bat'
        # How many seconds before restart to show warning message to players. Separate seconds with a comma.
        warn: '30,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1'
        # Scheduled times when the server is restarting. Use 24-hour time and separate times with a comma.
        times: '3:00:00,9:00:00,12:00:00,15:00:00,18:00:00,21:00:00,24:00:00'
        # Delay time between each restart. Use 24-hour time.
        delay: '02:00:00'
        # Choose type of restart (times or delay)
        type: 'delay'
  23. Offline


    If I set the laucher to "craftbukkit.jar", it will start without any arguments? Which mean it will take up as much memory as it needs, right?
  24. Offline


    how to make this work with linux and putty screen?
  25. Offline


    I have lot's of plugins so can you please make it so there is an adjustable time between the server closing and opening?
  26. Offline


    It means in the server root folder.
    Can you give me your batch file?

    I'm working on it ;)
  27. Offline


    Thanks. I just realized I think you have already said you were XD
  28. Offline


    New release!

  29. Offline


  30. Offline


    When it restarts a certain ammount of times, it ends up starting before the old server gets to close and gives the error as though two servers are running from the same port. It cancels the use of the plugin. Is there any fix for this?
  31. Offline


    Try with the build attached here.

    Attached Files:

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