Deleting and regenerating a World?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HyrulesLegend, Dec 17, 2013.

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    Does anyone know how I should go about deleteing and generating a world?

    I think this may work, not tested though (For deleting worlds):
    1. Bukkit.getServer().getWorld("world").getWorldFolder().delete();

    Using this to create worlds:
    1. Bukkit.createWorld(new WorldCreator("world"));
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    You can't delete worlds from a plugin.
    If you unload a world Bukkit still hangs on to some resources and you can't delete it.
    You have to start an external script after the server is fully stopped.
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    tommycake50 How does Multiverse delete worlds? "/mvdelete <worldname>"

    EDIT: tommycake50 Max_The_Link_Fan
    Would this work for erasing a world?
    1. public void deleteWorld(World world) {
    2. Bukkit.unloadWorld(world, false);
    3. File folder = world.getWorldFolder();
    4. if(!folder.isDirectory()) return;
    5. for(File file : folder.listFiles()) {
    6. file.delete();
    7. }
    8. folder.delete();
    9. Bukkit.getWorlds().remove(world);
    10. }
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    You know, there's been lots of long topics regarding unloading a world. Apparently unloadWorld() doesn't fully unload the world, making the folder not editable. I'm not sure if that's changed since..
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    The_Doctor_123 I wasn't aware of that. Hopefully it's been patched so that the world will completely unload. If the method I put above does not work then I will make a loop to go through all aspects of the world (Chunks, Entities, etc..) and unload / remove them individually so that the world can be deleted.
  6. Offline


    Then how would I go about after finishing my game, it stops the game. Kicks everyone, and creates a new world?
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    As tommycake50 said, you need an external script. every plugin that has world deleting as a feature as some kind of script that accomplishes this. And in order to do this automatically, you can make a script that is called when the game is completed, then shuts down the server, deletes the world files and restarts it. i believe you can do this within a .bat script. you could probably do it in python as well. but until worldUnload() gets fix you need a script. sorry.
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    Max_The_Link_Fan likes this.
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    Don't use .bat, Most servers are run on linux so an sh script would be better.
    A external JAR would be ideal though I guess.
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    There is only one issue and that is that you can't delete your main world. With main world i mean the world that is defined in the I hope you don't mind that :)
    1. public void resetmap() {
    3. for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
    4. p.kickPlayer("Kick reason....");
    5. }
    7. if (Bukkit.unloadWorld("worldname", true)) {
    8. System.out.println("Unloaded world");
    9. } else {
    10. System.err.println("Couldn't unload world");
    11. }
    12. if (delete(new File("worldname"))){
    13. System.out.println("Deleted world!");
    14. WorldCreator wc = new WorldCreator("worldname");
    15. wc.environment(Environment.NORMAL);
    16. wc.createWorld();
    17. Bukkit.reload();
    18. } else {
    19. System.err.println("Couldn't delete world");
    20. }
    21. }
    23. private boolean delete(File file) {
    24. if (file.isDirectory())
    25. for (File subfile : file.listFiles())
    26. if (!delete(subfile))
    27. return false;
    28. if (!file.delete())
    29. return false;
    30. return true;
    31. }

    I'm not sure if you really need Bukkit.reload(), i do Bukkit.reload() just to make sure that the world is loaded again.
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    tommycake50 hehe i know. i have it setup on my linux system to run .bat and .sh files...i just went with the one most people are familiar with.
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    If I can find the code we use on Minecade, I'll toss it at ya.
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    Aaaand bash is 10x as powerful.
    (Why cant windows users just get MinGW).
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