How can I check when a player does enter an area?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Pitazzo, Nov 20, 2013.

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    Hello guys,
    I would like to know how can I listen to an event such as onPlayerJoinsArea (I know that this one doesn't exist, yes...); I'm NOT looking for something like this:
    1. public void onPlayerPlaceBlock (PlaceBlockEvent event){
    2. Player player = event.get player();
    3. if(playerIsInTheArea(player)){
    4. //Stuff
    5. }
    6. }

    What I ned is something like...
    1. public void onPlayerJoinsTheArea(PlayerJoinsTheAreaEvent event){
    2. //Stuff
    3. }
  2. Offline


    Just add a player to the HashMap and teleport them into the arena.
  3. Offline


    I'm talking about areas, not about arenas! :D
    I just want to do stuff when a player is in a exact location :)

    Thanks in advance
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    Oh xD I read that completely wrong. Anyways, what you want to do is get the player's location:
    1. player.getLocation().getX();
    2. player.getLocation().getY();
    3. player.getLocation().getZ();

    Then, you want to check if their coordinates match the area (setup the area's location in a method and reference it).
    Pitazzo likes this.
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    CookieGamer100 Thanks for answering!
    Another question:
    Checking if the player is in the location with the agokhale1 code with an onPlayerMoveEvent would cosume too much?

  7. Offline


    Pitazzo Best way to use the move event would be to check if the players location is not the same as the on prior (I think it's getLocation() and getTo() or something like that) and if the distance is 0 then return out. This will prevent you from using the method when a player looks around
  8. Offline


    Check the player's position every 2 blocks x and z per PlayerMoveEvent, the difference will be so minute no one can notice. It may be a bit off, but hey, your server won't lag :)
  9. Offline


    Do you mean blocks as ticks? Because checking every 2 blocks would still need the PlayerMoveEvent, but if it was in ticks, a runnable would be better suited.
  10. Offline


    Ehh no. I kinda worded that wrong let me fix it...
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    It depends a bit on the situation, but you could first check if the targetchunk (the chunk where the coordinates lies in) is loaded into memory. if it is a player must be in the area and then you can check with an onplayerMove event if the player is at specified coordinates. It saves a lot of unused checks every tick.
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