
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by SuperSniper1379, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun, General

    Suggested name: PremiumCommands

    What I want: The general idea of this plugin is some commands for premium members (donators).
    What this does is launches a firework above the players head. The type of firework and all the details will be specified in the config. It will have a configurable cooldown.
    All the /jump commands:
    /jump super makes it so when the player jumps, instead of one block he jumps up 50 blocks.
    /jump double makes it so they can double jump
    /jump normal makes their jumps just be normal.
    /throw [mob]
    If anyone has used essentials, the /kittycannon command throws a cat that explodes on impact (no block or player damage). I would like to have this feature, but with more mobs not just a cat. Can the throwable mobs be: chicken, cow, ocelot, pig, sheep, horse, squid, villager, mooshroom, wolf.
    This command will have a 30 second cooldown.
    /hat [item name]
    like the /hat command in essentials, except instead of putting the currently held item on your head, put the item specified in the [item name] part on their head for one minute. then the hat will be taken off. You are not able to take the hat off. The command has a 90 second cooldown
    /msg and /tp
    Also like essentials, /msg is just for messaging anyone and /tp force - teleports to anyone.
    /effect [effect]
    This command puts the effect specified on the player for 10 seconds. This has a 30 second cooldown.

    So that's it, hope it's not too complicated for you.

    Ideas for commands:
    /jump super
    /jump double
    /jump normal
    /throw [animal name]
    /hat [name]
    /msg [name]
    /tp [name]
    /effect [effect]

    Ideas for permissions:
    pc.use (gives permissions for all the commands)

    When I'd like it by: Whenever you want, take your time to make it perfect :D
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    I could do this. However for msg and tp why not just use Essentials?
  4. Offline


    Well, it's easier to have everything in one plugin, and essentials takes up a lot of RAM and memory. Also, I just need two of the features (tp and msg), so it's not worth it.
    If you are thinking of doing this plugin, essentials is open source so you can just copy the code for those commands.
  5. Well... Bukkit has /msg and /tp
  6. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Essentials also has the function to disable certain parts, and try using a permissions plugin for the tp and msg
  7. Offline


    Well, if you don't want to do that stuff I then just post the source code on Github and I will add the /msg and /tp and compile it.
  8. Offline


    I'll do it.
  9. Offline


    Thanks :D

    Can you post and keep updating the source code on Guthub? I have some very limited Java and plugin developing knowledge and experience (only for very simple plugins) and I might be able to spot bugs, or test it after you finish a feature.
  10. Offline


    Because Bukkit doesn't track player jumps (handled client side) theres no way that /jump could effect a player's jump. However /jump can move the player like a jump would.
  11. Offline


    No, I think you misunderstood. doing /jump [one of the types] does not make them jump as soon as they do the command, it makes it so when they do jump, it jumps that way. I know double jumping and jumping really high is possible because I have seen it in certain plugins and servers with no client mods.
  12. You could handle the /jump command by giving the player the Jump potion effect. If you don't want that to appear, however, I'm not sure how you'd handle it (maybe change the player's velocity when a jump is detected? not too sure if that's possible).
  13. Offline


    Well, I'm sure double jumping is possible (the shotbow network). For jumping really high, I think there is a way to give the jump effect (except a really high level) without showing it because I know there are bukkit plugins that do this without client mods.
  14. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Someguyfromcrowd This can be checked with the toggle fly event, then cancel it and apply a jump boost.

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