[WorldGuard]Per-Region Spawn Flag Not Working

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by lecraeman, Sep 19, 2013.

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    I have a Kit PvP Section in my Mini-Game server. I want it to be where if they die in the arena they go to the PvP Spawn, and not the main world spawn.

    I went to where I want them to spawn and did "/rg flag pvp1 spawn here", and it set the spawn there, but whenever they die it still goes to global spawn.

    I have heard that essentials spawn can sometimes mess this up...can anyone help me?
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    if you want another plugin to handle spawn then youd need to disable essentialspawn.
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    I need people to be able to do /spawn and go to spawn when they die in other areas :(

    What is the point of having per region respawn if you can't have one separate from the main spawn!?
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