How to delete all dragons from world?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by GodsDead, Sep 9, 2013.

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    A few days ago my world got compromised by that ridiculous authentication hole that was left wide open in bukkit 1.6.2 r1, I had everything pretty locked down so no damage was done and I was really fast to act, alas these script kiddies spawned a bunch of dragons in my mainworld, I thought I managed to kill most of them with the /killall command but this morning I had a user complaining he was getting butchered by another dragon! I think this one may have been missed somehow.

    How can I completly kill all dragons on my bukkit server? I run essentials, grief prevention, nocheatplus, worldedit, voxelsniper if any of those could help with commands to permanently delete all dragons form the server.

    Thank you.
  2. Offline


    First off. I believe it's called "Script Kitties". Second, they aren't Script Kitties. They just were using the exploit that someone else (the actual script kitties involved) created. Also try /stoplag then /stoplag -c (WorldGuard is needed)
  3. Offline


    /killall should of killed it. If not then someone is re spawning it. Ive never known /killall to fail.
  4. Offline


    No, its definitely script kiddies but that's off topic haha! I think I prefer Kitties, that's a hilarious mix up!

    Do you think my server is still comprised? As in they managed to set something that auto spawns more dragons even though they are all banned now?
  5. Offline


    Well. I am operator of a server, And i banned a group of people that used this exploit thing and griefed the spawn. They were unbanned and griefed again today. So its very possible they either got one of your admins/mods and did it or unbanned themselves.
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    Well the Script kiddies thing I just recently heard about anyways... xD

    Annnyywaayysss.... Yes. Your server still could very well be compromised. I highly recommend you update bukkit to the latest Dev build. Any build that is #2864 or lower is dangerous. If the build is #2865 or higher, then you are safe.
  7. Offline


    zemorez, What else is there to do when ive updated it. But its still happening rather alot. Like its constant ''attacks''
  8. Offline


    I didn't mention, I did that straight away upgrading to the latest dev version! is there a way to remove all dragons form the server that I might have missed that does not disable aspects of the game?
    is there any way they could have left something behind to cause havock even though I have patched the hole?
  9. Offline


    check your permissions file. also check logs for how are they are getting back in.
  10. Offline


    I have checked my permissions files, Thankfully I did a backup the morning before the "hack" so I could just send a clean copy over the old ones.
    Im not sure what to look for if they are getting back in or if they even are? Could they have left something in the world to pop out destruction like dragons?
  11. Offline


    try use a protection plugin (worldguard, essentialsprotect) to disable enderdragon, and checking your map for entities via mineedit or similar.
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