Minecraft 1.5.1 and Bukkit

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Toubacos, Mar 23, 2013.

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    Currently i'm running Craftbukkit 1.5 and Minecraft 1.5
    I'm fully aware that i take a risk by doing this but i'm not here to ask for help.
    I would like to know if it's possible to use Craftbukkit 1.5.1 so that i can update my server.
    Once again, i'm aware that this can mess up, if not destroy my entire server but i'm willing to take that risk.

    At my host, i use MultiCraft to run my server, it allows you to choose from various server jars including craftbukkit 1.5.
    Unfortunately, i do not see a Craftbukkit 1.5.1 wich i do want to install because of the Minecraft bugs like the not being able to place paintings bug.

    Since i can only pick my server jar from a select list and not actually upload one myself, i was wondering when the 1.5.1 will be added.

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    get a non-stupid host, pretty much.
  3. Offline


    If you have FTP access, upload it and replace the old. Or SSH, even better.
  4. Offline


    Good thinking... but!
    "i can only pick my server jar from a select list and not actually upload one myself" :p
  5. Offline


    Oh, lol. Didn't see that.
    Fail host he's got then :p
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