Online Staff List

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Stevensaurus, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Hello everyone. I'm here to request a plugin that I think would benefit a lot of servers, and wouldn't be too hard to make!

    Plugin category: Informational / Chat related.

    Suggested name: SimpleStaff

    What I want: So basically, this would be a fairly simple plugin that allow players to check the online staff. It would allow you to give a permission node to a group, and upon the use of a command (/staff?), and it would list all of the online players in the groups that you have given the permission node.

    Have a few examples. In the plugin config, I have defined three groups; Owner, Admin, and Moderator. Steven is the owner, John is an Admin, and Bob is a Moderator. After configuring the plugin, upon the command /staff the player executing the command will be sent a list of all three of the ranks, and all of the online staff in each of those ranks.

    Here's an example of the config:

    Server Name: QuantumCraft

    Rank Name: Owner
    Rank Title (colors and formats can be used): &l&eOwner
    Rank Node: owner (so you'll be giving the Owner group the "SimpleStaff.rank.owner" node.)

    Rank Name: Admin
    Rank Title (colors and formats can be used): &l&cAdminstrator
    Rank Node: admin (so you'll be giving the Owner group the "SimpleStaff.rank.admin" node.)

    Rank Name: Mod
    Rank Title (colors and formats can be used): &l&aModerator
    Rank Node: mod (so you'll be giving the Owner group the "SimpleStaff.rank.mod" node.)

    So now, after fully configuring the plugin, upon use of /staff players will see this:

    QuantumCraft Online Staff List:
    Owner - Steven
    Admin - John
    Mod - Bob

    Ideas for commands: /Staff (Lists online staff)

    Ideas for permissions: SimpleStaff.staff, SimpleStaff.rank.[rankname]

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible! (Don't rush though, take your time)
  2. Offline


    I nearly started working on a plugin with this idea in mind. I'll go ahead and finish it then upload it once it's done.
  3. This kind of plugins already exist, It's called Playerz/Player list.
  4. Offline


    Are you still planning on developing this?
  5. Offline


    Yes, I'll PM you once I finish it.
  6. Offline


    Thanks a lot! I appreciate your time. (And I think a lot of other servers will too!)
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    There are other ones , just saying that u shud use search function.

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