
Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by chad53105, Mar 3, 2013.

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    So here is the dilemma. I have been looking at permission plugins and have wondered to myself, what is the better plugin and why? Well, I would love some input from the community as to what plugin you use for permissions, ease of use, and why you like it.

    I'll start:
    I use Essentials Group Manager. I have been using it since I started running a bukkit server around the Alpha days. Thus, I am pretty good at how to code the groups.yml and use in game commands. I am happy and comfortable with it. I feel it is easy to use and easy to configure.

    But, there are better plugins out there and I would love to hear what you have to say about the one you use.
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    Yet another permissions plugin debate starts.
    blha303 and chakyl like this.
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    You should add a poll to it asking how many posts it is going to take before this one will be locked.
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    well, i figured since were at 1.4.7 there might be tweaks to what we all use. Figured there might be something new. Also, I wanted input so I could research from those who use the plugins to see what I may want to migrate to. Group Manager is good, but what if something else out there is better?
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    Because of the extreme biases some people have to different permissions plugins, it is best to do your own research. Ultimately, they all work and it really just depends on what features you are looking for.
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    there are 10 permission plugins out there.
    you have:

    out of which, the bottom 4 are small and dont really offer much new (i highly advice against Uperms)
    GroupManager - made for easy user access and multiworld management, the oldest active permission plugin, and is still being updated frequently. IMO i prefer this the most, and i think you should stick with it.
    Bpermissions - multiworld management, comes (IMO) on the cost of some user access, but is fast and is updated.
    Privileges - fastest permissions plugin, comes on the cost of some of the more advanced features (multigroup for example)
    PermissionsBukkit - fast, nice and simple. offers nothing unique, though.
    PermissionsEx - trys to include some advanced features (regex, SQL) on high cost of stabilty and usage, probably the slowest permission plugin and user access is not a priority (crashing on config errors)

    if anyone can provide useful info (not "HERP DERP PEX IS THE BEST") it would be nice.
    chad53105 likes this.
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    necrodoom I appreciate your input. I did try bperms once, it confused me. I may try it again. I will not only run this test on my test server.
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    bPerms would just never cut it for me, I found Essentials Groupmanager out the box is the most well setup and upto date plugin for small servers or new servers who just want something that works well. I am using PEX on my main and essentials on my Alt. I have never had issues with PEX (except once, completely my fault)
  10. Offline


    bPermissions is the one I use (And arguably the best I tried), but jeez, the lack of SQL support is crushing. Still, it's better than having to use PEX, even if it does support it.
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    ok guys, i get the "favoritism" but why do you like it. Ease of use, commands? why do you use the permission plugin you do?
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    Most are relatively easy to use if you put a little effort into learning it, but it all really comes down to what you need. People with Bungeecord servers usually use PermissionsEX for its SQL support, people who like to use Essentials stick with GroupManager, and for me bPermissions is just easy to manage with multiple worlds.
  13. Offline


    Ahh, thanks, SQL support sounds interesting. it's a shame that GroupManager doesn't support that yet.
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    arguments against SQL add up in the fact that is slows down the performance, and for SQL, that it allows web intergation. you could try making a ticket on essentials issue tracker explaining why is SQL needed for your setup.
  15. Offline


    I've tried PermissionsBukkit and GroupManager; out of those two I preferred GroupManager.
  16. Offline


    bPermissions nano was introduced to give admins the option to use the same perms across multiple servers. It grabs your permissions from whatever your main server is. I only have one server, but I thought I would mention this.
    chakyl likes this.
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    You have no idea how much this helped me.
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    I really don't! I only have the one server. Glad it helped.
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