<LogBlock> Opening Port 3306 On Linux Ubuntu

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by ForsakenRealmz, Feb 15, 2013.

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    I have recently been forced to install LogBlock for my server to catch some players. So on my dedicated Linux Ubuntu server I installed MySQL and created a database called "minecraft." I added the correct credentials in the LogBlock config.yml file for LogBlock to connect to the MySQL Database. I think I got an error saying it could not connect because of the port.

    I do realize I need to port forward the port "3306" and I am not sure how to do that. Does someone have the command to run to open that port for Linux Ubuntu?

    Thank you!
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    you could just do localhost:3306?
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    Yeah I was just thinking about that.. Changing the host to that. I wasn't thinking before that about how MySQL is installed on the same server as the MC server.
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