Detect in what world is a player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by 3751_Creator, Jan 15, 2013.

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    Hello Bukkit community,

    Basicly, I would like to be able to list all the worlds on my server and tell what players they are in.

    EG: (this after command is executed)
    List of worlds:
    - P1
    - CER
    - 123_Player

    - fr
    - azer
    - 123456789


    Thanks to all of you, ~3751_Creator
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    Something along the lines of
    for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
        if (p.getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(args[0]) {
            event.getPlayer().sendMessage("> " + player.getName());
  3. Offline


    Not working....
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Thanks a lot caxco93.

    If you d'ont mind, now I would like to do like /ww world see <Specifique world name>
    (I only need the thing so that it "scans" the arg and looks if there is a world called like that)
  6. Offline


    if(Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(args[0]) != null)
        for(Player p : args[0].getPlayers())
            sender.sendMessage("- " + p.getName());
    Edit: Wow, having a lot of formatting issues.
  7. Offline


    Not working...
  8. devilquak
    6 edits. It must have been bad ;).

    Post what isn't working, more information would help us help you :).
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    You are not going to get code handed to you.
    You'll have to try a majority of things on your own
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    Sorry, I think I see an error I made:

    if(Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(args[0]) != null)
        for(Player p : Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(args[0]).getPlayers())
            sender.sendMessage("- " + p.getName());
    Regardless of whether that works or not, if you're having a problem, the only way we can help is if you show us what you've got. So if this doesn't do it, let us see what you're trying to do.
  11. Offline


    if(args.length == 2){
                    String arg11 = args[0];
                    String arg2 = args[1];
                    if(arg11.equalsIgnoreCase("show") && arg2.equalsIgnoreCase("all")){
                        pl.sendMessage("§cLites des mondes disponibles avec leurs joueurs:");
                        for( World w : Bukkit.getWorlds()) {
                            pl.sendMessage("§6" +w.getName()+"§6:");
                            pl.sendMessage(" ");
                            for( Player p : w.getPlayers()) {
                                    pl.sendMessage("§c- "+p.getName());
                        if(Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(args[1]) != null)
                            for(Player p : Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(args[0]).getPlayers())
                                sender.sendMessage("- " + p.getName());
                }if(args.length == 2){
                    String arg11 = args[0];
                    String arg2 = args[1];
                    if(arg11.equalsIgnoreCase("show") && arg2.equalsIgnoreCase("all")){
                        pl.sendMessage("§cLites des mondes disponibles avec leurs joueurs:");
                        for( World w : Bukkit.getWorlds()) {
                            pl.sendMessage("§6" +w.getName()+"§6:");
                            pl.sendMessage(" ");
                            for( Player p : w.getPlayers()) {
                                    pl.sendMessage("§c- "+p.getName());
                        if(Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(args[1]) != null)
                            for(Player p : Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(args[0]).getPlayers())
                                sender.sendMessage("- " + p.getName());
    The part where I need help is here:
                        if(Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(args[1]) != null)
                            for(Player p : Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(args[0]).getPlayers())
                                sender.sendMessage("- " + p.getName());
  12. Offline


    3751_Creator you check if world args[1] exists, and then you try getting the players from world args[0] ;3.

    Either use args[0] or args[1] (whichever is the worldname)
  13. Offline



    Just a tip, if you want me to see your replies, either click "Reply" or tag me in your post by clicking "Tahg".

    Where it says args[0] and args[1], you need to put the same string in there that you want to convert into a world. If you type /<something> show world_nether, you would put args[1] in both of those lines. It's attempting to match args[1], in this case "world_nether", with a world, and both strings in these lines need to be the same for it to succeed.
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    I've posted tis in other threads, but to looks like you know very little Java and/or have not read any JavaDocs on the Api. Also putting 'Not working......' is not very helpful. try debugging on your own, and don't just copy and paste other people work.

    It would be a simple for loop and a few if statements.
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