Solved [MATH] Teleporting a player randomly in a defined radius

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by bobacadodl, Nov 3, 2012.

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    In one part of my plugin, I need to teleport a player 500 to 1000 blocks randomly away from a location. Sadly, I'm not good enough at math to do this :'( Can anyone help me out?
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    how about this (The only very easy method I could think of that would work in one go, in my current state of tiredness xD):
    1. double areaRadius = 1000; //Or any radius you want
    2. double minRadius = 500; // This would give me a radius between 500 and 1000
    3. double t = Math.random() * Math.PI;
    4. double radius = Math.random()*(areaRadius - minRadius) + minRadius;
    5. double x = Math.cos(t) * radius;
    6. double y = Math.sin(t) * radius;
    7. double z = Math.sin(t) * radius; // If you want z aswell
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    How would I include the original coordinates of the player in this? I have gotten their coordinates and want to teleport them randomly, centered on the player's coordinates. Thanks a lot for the help though!
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    By the means of 'translation' (as it is called in mathematics).
    1. // Addition to the previous
    2. Location to = player.getLocation().clone();
    3. to.add(x, y, z); // Its just a matter of adding the x, y and z
    4. player.teleport(to);
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    2. Thanks a lot! I used your code and finally got this working! :) I'm taking pre calculus next semester so hopefully i will learn how to do this math myself T_T
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    My calculus course was no that bad, until the exam...
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    You aren't going to get much randomness with that algorithm, this is how it looks if you spawned a goldblock at the position instead of teleporting a player there:

    How i used it:
    Location location = ((Player)sender).getLocation();
            for(int i = 0 ; i < 500 ; i++) {
                double areaRadius = 100; //Or any radius you want
                double minRadius = 50; // This would give me a radius between 500 and 1000
                double t = Math.random() * Math.PI;
                double radius = Math.random()*(areaRadius - minRadius) + minRadius;
                double x = Math.cos(t) * radius;
                double y = Math.sin(t) * radius;
                double z = Math.sin(t) * radius; // If you want z aswell
                location = ((Player)sender).getLocation();
                logger.debug("GOLDBLOCK! " + x + " " + y + " " + z);
    I would recommend something like this instead:
    Location location = ((Player)sender).getLocation();
            for(int i = 0 ; i < 500 ; i++) {
                int max = 100;
                double x = Math.random() * (max * 2) - max;
                double y = Math.random() * (max * 2) - max;
                double z = Math.random() * (max * 2) - max;
                location = ((Player)sender).getLocation();
                logger.debug("GOLDBLOCK! " + x + " " + y + " " + z);
    That ends up with this:
    JazzaG likes this.
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    LucasEmanuel true I should have used 3 random t's, then it would work perfectly fine
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