Solved How to use TAB to complete the command

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ferrybig, Oct 28, 2012.

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  1. I searched throug the bukkit javadocs, but I was unable to find this, I want if the player presses TAB, that the argument (whits is a player name) is being completed
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    It automatically does that. It was a bug in 1.3 that it didn't work
  3. I just downloaded 1.4, and it seems its not working for custom commands, only for commands build into minecraft itselfs
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    That's how it works. It's built in.
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    But Bukkit has a completion API, AFAIK. I saw something on GitHub.
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    I don't think that can be done. If you could link that'd be great.
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    To use it, do this: Player player = (Player) Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
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    Not what he asked.
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