[INACTIVE][GEN] HelpPages 1.4 [612] Custom index and sub /help pages

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Jonbas, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Offline



    This plugin overrides the /help command to allow a two tiered /help file that is fully customizable from a help.txt file.

    If a user types "/help" they will see something like the following:


    and then if they used "/help server" they would see this:



    The help.txt file is laid out like follows:
    [Server, <Page> - Server Commands]
    /help, <Page> - Shows a list of commands. 7 per page.
    /kit, [Kit] - Gives a kit. To get a list of kits type /kit
    /motd, - Displays the MOTD
    #add an extra text line and blank line to help page
    [;Some extra help text]
    [Position, <Page> - Commands for movement:mods]
    ;Commands for movement:
    /spawn, - Teleports you to spawn
    /home, - Teleports you home
    /sethome, - Sets your home
    /listwarps, - Gives a list of available warps
    /warp, [Warp] - Warps to the specified warp.
    /getpos, - Displays your current position.
    /compass, - Gives you a compass reading.
    Define your own help message by using the format:
    /command, your help message

    Lines that start with the ; character will just be added as plain text without checking for a command. This can also be used to add blank lines.

    In the config above the page server will be visible to the default user group and the page position will be visible to the group mods. More than one group can be added by separating the group names with a comma like so: vip,mods,admins


    Copy the HelpPages.jar to the plugins directory reload your plugins. It will create all the needed files the first time it runs. You can then edit your plugins/HelpPages/help.txt file to suit your server.

    Version History
    • Works on RB612 and with Permissions and GroupManager
    • Fixed GroupManager connections. Now supports Permissions 2.5 as well.
    • GroupManager integration added (optional)
    • Updated for craftbukkit 450 (Minecraft 1.3)
    • Using newest onCommand and plugin constructors
    • No feature changes, but required for craftbukkit compatibility.
    • Initial port from hMod
    • Removed implementation of groups and permissions
    • Fixed major bug. If you have downloaded the original version this is a required update or all of your other plugins will stop responding to player commands.
    Pallanas, Graloth and davispuh like this.
  2. Offline


    If you don't specify it sets it as default.
    [Warp, <Page> - Warp Commands]
    really is:
    [Warp, <Page> - Warp Commands:Default]
  3. Offline


    I am having the same problem as you have. Only admins can see the help pages and only those that are directly assigned to their group (Admins). I have set inheritance up (to Default) in permissions but I am still experiencing problems.

    At the moment, a regular user can't see ANY of the help pages. This started happening when the permissions were implemented into this plugin.

    Heck, I even tried copying the group Default, renaming the copy and making that one default instead but that didn't solve it either.
  4. Offline


    Can you post a snip of your groups.yml that shows the group name and inheritance as well as the index pages for your help file?
  5. Offline


    Doing it over PM instead, will post solution here later.
  6. Offline


    I can confirm that the Default group help categories do not work. Tried :Default, :default and even :*

    CB 493
    Using latest Permissions
  7. Offline


    Version 1.1 still works wonders for me (except for the permissions), I recommend using that instead for now.
    SplenectomY likes this.
  8. Offline


    @Myrrdin and @SplenectomY

    That's odd. Are you guys all using Permissions 2.5? (My test server has GroupManager and everything tests fine.)

    This plugin uses Permissions 2.0 so you need to make sure that the conversion plugin is matching the version of your Permissions or GroupManager
  9. Offline


    Conversion plugin? What?
    It says in the OP that this plugin supports 2.5 so I assumed it would work properly without the need for any extra plugins.

    I am using Permissions 2.5.4, not group manager.
  10. Offline


    As far as I know it was working with 2.5.1 I'll look into it on my test server.
  11. Offline


    Thanks! I'll try it out.
  12. Offline


    Just so you know it does work on Permissions 2.5.4 but the inherit doesn't seem to be working so you need to add all the groups you want to be able to see the commands to the tag like this:
    [Commands, <Page> - Position related Commands:Admins,Default,Moderator]
    /getpos, - Displays your current position.
    /compass, - Gives you a compass reading.
    /warp, [warp] - Sends you to [warp] or shows list if empty.
    /spawn, - Sends you to Spawn location.
    /home, - Sends you to your home.
    /sethome, - Sets your home to your current location.
    /tpaccept, - Accept teleportation request.
    /tpdeny, - Deny teleportation request.
    /back, - Returns you to your last position.
    So the only real problem at the moment is that inherit isn't working on permissions but you can still get it to work :).
  13. Offline


    I already tried the thing above, didn't work for me :S I suppose I could give it yet another go though.

    This time it worked! I compared the old edited file to the new one and the only difference was the format, so I suppose I should thank you both. Thanks!

    Second Edit:
    It didn't work after all! I could see them all as an admin but regular users can't see them. I'm going to try something new, copying the Default group in my world.yml file and renaming the copy to something else + setting it as default.

    Third Edit:
    That didn't work either, hmm. I just tried adding some people from the default group to the default group manually in my world.yml file.
    Time will tell if it's working.

    I also noticed that when the plugin loads, it displays:
    HelpPages 1.2 Loaded: GroupManager detected
    Even though I don't have Groupmanager.

    Fourth Edit:
    Adding names to the list manually worked! If I manually add someone to the group Default it works as it should!
    The problem is that I need to add every single player.
    It's quite a long list.

    Fifth Edit:
    Scratch that again! If I set their group to Default, they could see every single help category even though I only added Default to 4/6.

    Reverting back to 1.1
  14. Colors asap please :p feels horrible with just red
  15. Offline


    Having the exact same problem as myrrdin. (his step 3+4.)
  16. Offline

    Steve Cole

    what about using a different default group or give groupmanager a try, i prefer it over permissions.

    @Jonbas I too would love color support.

    does the latest version of this plugin use a static download link, CraftBukkitUpToDate is awesome for staying uptodate but says it doesn't have a source for Helppages.

    Also is it possible to have sub pages of sub pages?
    I have my help file split into main catigoreies like; General, Items, Admin, WorldEdit
    but worldedit has a ton of commands so I wanted to split it into subcatigories like; Superpick, Moving, Selection with out these catagoires showing in the main help page.
    is this possible or could it be added in a future update

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  17. Offline


    Will this be updated to work with b556 ?
    I don't get any errors in console when I run it with b556 but when I type /help in-game it doesn't show any the categories I made in the help.txt

    I did set up the help.txt file properly as I had this working when I was on 440.
  18. Offline

    Steve Cole

    it worked fine for me on b556, you might have to add groups to them. I had it set up where i thought if i set the default group to one it would show it to all the groups that inherit from that group but it didn't i had to declare every group that i wanted to be able to see that category.
  19. Offline


    Thanks, I figured I would only have to list the default and it would use inheritance for the rest.
  20. Offline


    can you please update this for the new bukkit and make a simple tutorial.
  21. Offline



    how can i add text cause it say 1 of 1 and theres nothing help plz
  22. Offline


    Im on the latest bukkit build, using the latest permissions and when i type /help it shoots out 13 errors in the console >_> halp
  23. Offline


    Just released v1.4 it works with 612 and both Permissions and GroupManager.
    Codisimus likes this.
  24. Offline


    thanks i was hoping this would get updated, i love having this
  25. Offline


    Where is the download link?
  26. Offline


    agreed where is the download lol
  27. Offline


    Added back to the top of the page. looks like it got chopped during the downtime this afternoon.
  28. Offline


    whats the matter with this i keep getting empty help line no commands shown and zero pages when i do /help. can someone plz help me this is driving me crazy.

    #HelpPages Default Help File
    [Help1, <Page> - Server Commands]
    /help, <Page> - Shows a list of commands. 7 per page.
    /motd, - Displays the MOTD

    [;Empty help line]

    #A help page for the group mods
    [Help2, <Page> - Commands for movement:mods]
    /getpos, - Displays your current position.
    /compass, - Gives you a compass reading.
    [Server, <Page> - Server Commands]
    /help, <Page> - Shows a list of commands. 7 per page.
    /kit, [Kit] - Gives a kit. To get a list of kits type /kit
    /motd, - Displays the MOTD

    #add an extra text line and blank line to help page
    [;Some extra help text]

    [Position, <Page> - Commands for movement:mods]
    ;Commands for movement:
    /spawn, - Teleports you to spawn
    /home, - Teleports you home
    /sethome, - Sets your home
    /listwarps, - Gives a list of available warps
    /warp, [Warp] - Warps to the specified warp.
    /getpos, - Displays your current position.
    /compass, - Gives you a compass reading.
  29. Offline


    People are saying they can't view the help menu category's...

    [HelpList, <Page> - Help List:Default,VIP,Moderator,Admins]
    ;Lists the help pages:
    iConomy <page> - Shows the Iconomy commands
    Towny <page> - Shows the Towny commands
    Home <page> - Shows teh home commands
    Chat <page> - Shows teh chat commands
    LWC <page> - Shows the LWC commands(down)
    Admin <page> - Shows the admin only commands
    [iConomy, <Page> - iConomy Help:Default,VIP,Moderator,Admins]
    ;iConomy commands:
    /Money - Displays your cash
    /Money pay [Name] [Ammount] - Pay someone
    [Towny, <Page> - Towny Help]
    ;Towny commands:
    /Town ? - Specific Town help
    /Towny ? - Specific Towny help
    /Town [Name] - Lists the town's information
    /Nation [Name] - Lists the nation's information
    [Home, <Page> - Home Help:Default,VIP,Moderator,Admins]
    ;Home commands:
    /Sethome - Sets your home
    /Home - Teleports you to your sethome
    [Chat, <Page> - Chat Help:Default,VIP,Moderator,Admins]
    ;Chat commands:
    /Ch [name] - Puts you in a certain channel
    /Ch leave [Name] - Leaves a channel
    Channels: OOC and Local
    [LWC, <Page> - LWC Help]
    ;Currently down:
    Down for updates
    [Admin, <Page> - Admin Help:Admins]
    ;Admin help commands:
    /Kick [Name] - Kicks a person
    /Ban [Name] - Bans a person
    /Tp [Name] [Name] - Tps name1 to name2
    /say Broadcast a message from the console
  30. Offline


    okay so does this not work with premissions 2.5.5 phoenix because i cant get it to work and if it dosnt could you plz update it
  31. Offline


    Permissions 2.5.5 seems to not handle inheritance properly. It should still work, but you'll just have to manually specify the groups that will see each page like Seven50six6 has done above.

    I assume you're using permissions 2.5 It seems that the plugin doesn't handle inheritance properly, so unless you specify each group that you want to see a page in the index, it won't show up for everyone.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016

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