Inactive [SEC/MECH/ADMIN]PixelSecurity - Simple Block Protection(Pets and Villagers Included!)[1.3-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DocRedstone, May 30, 2012.

  1. Offline



    On BukkitDev!

    Have you ever wanted to protect the players on your server but all those other lock plugins are just too difficult to configure or don't do a very good job? Then this plugin is for you! All you have to do is place your chest, furnace, sign or door, and you are the only one who can access it. There is currently no permissions or commands. Just simple placement.

    * Locks chests, doors(iron and wooden), Signs and Furnaces
    * Protect ANYTHING! That's right I said anything...
    * Just place the chest, door, sign or furnace and it auto locks to you!
    * No one else can access your chests, doors(iron and wooden), Signs and Furnaces.
    * Simple config file for protection info, who needs mySQL!
    * Now protect your pets too!!!
    * Added Villager Protection.
    * Added protection from burn/fire events.
    * Added a punishment system to kick players.

    * Currently None

    Permissions Nodes:
    * lockprotection.canBreak - This permission allows users to break blocks that do not belong to them.
    * lockprotection.canInteract - This allows players to interact with blocks that do not belong to them. That means open chests, doors, etc.
    * lockprotection.canDamage - Allows players to damage and potentially kill Dogs, Cats and Villagers.

    Change Log:
    * v1.0

    - * Plugin officially released
    - v2.0
    * Edited config file so now you can CHOOSE what BLOCKS to PROTECT.
    * Added display messages for when someone tries to do something they shouldn't
    * Optimized Code
    - v3.0
    * Now you can protect your pets! Configurable in the config.yml
    * Edited config file to add the line: "ProtectPets: true"
    - v4.0
    * Villagers are now protected.
    * Permission nodes added. (See Above)
    * Option to kick players for doing actions to things that aren't theirs.

    Example Config:
    # LockProtection - By DocRedstone
    ProtectedBlocks: 64,61,71,54,6,68,63,23
    ProtectPets: true
    Punish: true
    - WingsOfLife:10,10,10:3
    - DocRedstone:11,54,98:20

    Donate: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted bit url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2017
  2. Offline


    Updated to v2.0
    • v2.0
      • Edited config file so now you can CHOOSE what BLOCKS to PROTECT.
      • Added display messages for when someone tries to do something they shouldn't
      • Optimized Code

    • v3.0
    • Now you can protect your pets! Configurable in the config.yml
    • Edited config file to add the line: "ProtectPets: true"

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
  3. Offline


    For only 2 payments of?

    EDIT: Haha sorry just a joke :D
    DocRedstone likes this.
  4. Offline


    Updated to v4.0! Hoping for Approval md_5

    • Villagers are now protected.
    • Permission nodes added. (See Above)
    • Option to kick players for doing actions to things that aren't theirs.
  5. Offline


    Amazing job! I've been trying to find a replacement for LWC for weeks! I'm hoping the old chest glitch wont work on this D:
  6. Offline


    Thanks. It shouldn't but if it does let me know. I'll do my best to fix it asap
  7. Offline


    DocRedstone likes this.
  8. Offline


    I have one question:
    How to change language (I tried but nothing happend) I changed LockProtection.jar - me - docredstone - Ip -
  9. Offline


    Amazing job![​IMG]
  10. Offline


    Thank you.
  11. Offline


    Tip for you:

    Its very enoying when i place a block and it says: [Protection] You placed a block that now belongs to you

    Can you fix it in config so we can deside collor and stuff, and what it will say when you place a block?

    Btw, Love this plugin :D
  12. Offline


    I'm earasing the maps on my server, and putting brand new ones in 1.3. This plugin will be a brilliant addition to my server, when 1.3 comes out, are you going to update?
  13. Offline


    I will be.
  14. Offline


    • v5.0
    • Can now share chests by using signs.
      • To share a chest place a sign in front of a chest. On Line 1 type [LockProtect] on lines 2-4 add the name of players.
  15. Offline


    Hello giv it a chance make the message off?

    this green make all my players and my crazy
  16. Offline


    Ill work on it for next version.
  17. Offline


    ok n1 i whait :)
  18. Offline


    Hello there,

    I want to use your plugin only to protect my villagers. Now my problem is that I also get those protections on chests and other stuff. In the config I changed the protected blocks but if I try to go in a chest it still says ''This chest does not belong to you.'' I also tried the permission nodes so that I can just ignore the protected blocks but it still won't give me acces even with the lockprotection.canInteract permission. I can break the chests though.

    PS. I am also excited about the newer version that is comming so you can remove the green text when you create an item that is protected.

    I would really appreciate it if you would find I way so I can just ignore everything of the plugin except the villager protection. Thank you very much and thanks for the work.

  19. Offline


    I need this to.. oh wait I just coded this foooor us! :D yw. Link:

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