Inactive [FUN] DeathCube v2.5 - awesome minigame [2203]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Baba43, Nov 3, 2011.


If you played the game what would you say?

  1. Boring

    24 vote(s)
  2. Okay

    54 vote(s)
  3. Awesome

    190 vote(s)
  1. Offline


    True thats because that line is not part of the language file. But what happens if you run the original language file?
  2. Offline


    the file I posted is the original, tho the last few lines are missing =S
  3. Offline


    ok i just updated to the new version i have been using this plugin already so i know the commands but now when i set up a dc it doesnt clear out the block to the wall no more and the wall is no longer built
  4. Offline


    So essentials chat is converting § to ? ? Trololol..
    You mean the cage? Use /dc create then.
  5. Offline


    err no, the laguage.yml already has the '?' in it, the chat just puts it in as plain text. As we speak I dont seem to be able to get tho 'normal' text to show even on a clean server (only craftbukkit and DeathCube) =/ fml... Starting to doubt myself =)
  6. Offline


    Awesome plugin. Really love this game.
    But I have a question i made a deathcube test (in the water ...) it was stupid so I deleted it and I'm sad cause the map doesnt regenerate I have an empty death cube place. and I wanted to know if it was possible to get it back or have I to use something like this
    Also an another question, can i edit the place with glass (where the game begins) or the lava bellow and save it ? (would be a nice feature if not).
  7. Offline


    Use WorldEdit and //regen

    You can't chase the glass but you can replace the lava with whatever you want ;-)
  8. Offline


    Okay thanks :)
  9. "win_commands" ?
  10. Offline


    winCommands.. see my reference!
  11. Offline


    Nice plugin but can you make it so someone has to reach the top to win and people who do fall in the lava get a chance to keep trying? Basically I'd like an option for players to continue to try after dying until the blocks get to the point where they are burning. At that point a death could be considered a loss.
  12. Offline


    Hey you could replace the lava by water and make stairs ;-)
  13. Offline


    nice plugins GJ
  14. Offline


    But won't the game just keep on going then even after all the blocks dissolve since no one would be dying? Can you make it so there is an option to make it start as water and then when the blocks start dissolving it changes to lava?
  15. Offline


    Just give them some jokers.. its impossible to fall down the cube srsly :p
  16. Offline


    Hey ,

    i have a Error.

    DeathCube.jar 2.5 and CB Build #2149
    Permissions plugin is Pex

    The error occurs when a player starts a new game / dc wants to start.

    Can you fix this?! ;)
  17. Offline


    It seems that this is a problem of your permissions or plugins that create/manage players that do not have those.
  18. Offline


    can you tell me how do I fix this? Or where to look to find the error?

    Player have the permission in PEX

    - deathcube.use
    - deathcube.start

    And there are no other errors.

    (translated by google , i am German)
  19. Offline


    Schau mal hier
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?
    Das sieht nicht so aus, als wäre mein Plugin daran Schuld. Hast du die neuste Version von Pex drauf? Andere scheinen dein Problem nicht zu haben, deswegen ist es merkwürdig. Ich kenne Pex nicht vom Code her, aber es sieht so aus, als würde ich einen Spieler finden, für den es keinen PermissionsManager gibt, oder es gibt generell keinen.

    Liste doch mal kurz deine aktivierten Plugins auf, vielleicht werden wir daraus schlauer :)
  20. Offline


    the wool blocks arenet protected cane you fix it?
  21. Offline


    What blocks?
  22. Offline


    Hey ,

    du kannst deutsch?! Dann schreib ich mal auf Deutsch ist wohl besser :)

    Also PEX ist bei mir in Version 1.19. drauf .. Hab nun mal auf 1.19.1 geupdated.
    Sollte der Fehler nochmal kommen melde ich mich.

    Dann poste ich auch mal die Plugins die ich bei mir drauf habe.

    Danke :)
  23. Offline


    Ich habe übrigens ein wenig recherchiert und bei den meisten, die diesen Fehler bekommen haben, war eine fehlerhafte Permissions Konfiguration dafür verantwortlich. Du solltest daher mal einne Blick in die Konsole während des Serverstartes werfen, ob dort irgendwelche Fehlermeldungen von Pex auftauchen.

    Ansonsten verfahren wir wie abgesprochen ;)
  24. Offline


    the blocks of the dead cube
  25. Offline


    If you are admin/moderator they are not protected but for users they are.
  26. Offline


    oke thinks for your time
  27. Offline


    np ;)
  28. Offline


    cane u add reward system
  29. Offline


    That should do what?
  30. Offline


    give a item as a reward for winning

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