How to save all files in a directory etc: /plugins/LOL

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by -_Husky_-, Mar 22, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Title pretty much explains it
  2. Offline


    Not really.... What files?
  3. Offline


    Ok, I have a directory called lol, there are 50 txt files in it(example)
    i want to save them ALL at once without 50 different variables
  4. Offline


    Umm. If they are already there, they are obviously saved. So I still don't understand what the problem is. Do you have unsaved versions of them in your code or something?
  5. Offline


    Yeah i add things to them along the line, and they dont seem to save
  6. Offline


    what are you using to load them? File? Scanner? On of bukkits classes?
  7. Offline


  8. Offline

    HON95 file) for saving.
  9. Offline


    I dont want to have to do that 50x :/
  10. Offline


    Use a loop?
  11. Offline


    Please demonstrate
  12. Offline


    like HON95 said use a loop. for example a while or for loop!
  13. Offline


    If you show some code, it would be easier.
  14. Offline


    Im not on my computer but, just make 5 files and show me please :)
  15. Offline


    for(i = 0 ; i < listOfFiles.length() ; i++) {[i]);
    I have no experience from saving files in bukkit, but this is what i would do after i read this thread.
  16. Offline


    nah, still didn't work, as i need to specify every file, and i dont know the names of them, as they are player names
  17. Offline


    You can store the names of the players that you need to save data for and then put them into an array. At save, iterate through all the names and save the file with their name and put all their data into their respective files.
  18. Offline


    Example please :d
  19. Offline


    File f = new File("plugins/LOL/");
            File[] dir = f.listFiles();
            for(File f : dir){
                //save it
  20. Offline


    public static ArrayList<String> players = new ArrayList<String>();
    // Keep an array list of their yaml configs here as well. I don't know what the associated Object is for it, but i'll throw in this...
    public static ArrayList<YAMLConfigObject> yamlconfigs = new ArrayList<YAMLConfigObject>();
    // Plugin accumulates a large amount of data on a lot of players
    // PluginManager calls our onDisable method
    Iterator<String> playerIterator = players.listIterator();
    Iterator<YAMLConfigObject> yamlconfigIterator = yamlconfigs.listIterator();
    while (playerIterator.hasNext()) {
        String player =;
        YAMLConfigObject yamlconfig =;
        File playerFile = new File(player + ".dat");;
    Please note: I have absolutely no experience handling YAML loading and saving. However, this is how most configuration utility objects are setup in Java.
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