world edit api load schematic to player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by GeekWithAChick, Apr 30, 2015.

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    I'm creating a plugin where players can load a schematic from my plugin folder. Yes I know the command "//schem load" but it doesn't suit my needs.

    This is what I have:

    LocalSession session = we.getWorldEdit().getSession(player.getName());
    LocalWorld world = new  LocalWorld();
    CuboidClipboard clipboard = session.getClipboard();
    File schem = new File("plugins/MyPlugin/test.schematic");
    ClipboardCommands command = new ClipboardCommands(we.getWorldEdit());
    int max = 999999;
    EditSession editSession = new EditSession(world, max);
    command.load(null, session, (LocalPlayer) player, editSession);
    I just want to create a command to load a schematic from another folder
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    The issue is that I don't know how to do it. I can't test my code because I get an error that the player can be cast to a local player.
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    Perhaps you should think about fixing errors that already exist before introducing more into the code?
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    LocalSession session = we.getWorldEdit().getSession(player.getName());
    CuboidClipboard clipboard = session.getClipboard();
    File schem = new File("plugins/CloudCrafter/schematics/test.schematic");
    ClipboardCommands command = new ClipboardCommands(we.getWorldEdit());
    LocalPlayer lp = we.wrapPlayer((Player) player);
    BukkitWorld BWf = new BukkitWorld(player.getWorld());
    EditSession es = new EditSession(BWf, 2000000);
    command.load(null, session, lp, es);
    So this code is error free and sends me this message:


    Maybe I'm not using the correct code.
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    Whatever command you're using belongs to WorldEdit, so it's not being handled by your plugin.
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    Are you talking about the ClipboardCommands? Because I got it from their API
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    ....I'm talking about your plugin not handling the command. Where do you think that message came from?
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