Problem/Bug Whenever i set the spawn to a place i want on my server, it creates a new world and puts me in it.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by EpicSplasherFailsMC, Jun 28, 2015.

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  1. how do I go back to my other world (s)?
  2. Offline


    Err, I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about but I do know that you can switch worlds with the command /world. If you have the plugin Multiverse-Core then you can do /mvtp <world>
  3. @oceantheskatr Well, you see, I wanted my spawn to be at certain coordinates in my world (spawn was created special for it) so i did a set spwan command and woosh! I was teleported into another world with a different seed to those coordinates. I'll try the /mvtp thing as soon as i can and let you know about it.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
  4. Offline


    You're supposed to do /setspawn to set the spawn, and then you can do /spawn to go to that spawnpoint.
  5. Then how would I travel back to the previous world? /mvtp doesn't seem to work to get me back.
  6. Offline


    /mvtp doesn't work because you don't have Multiverse. I'd suggest getting it if you're going to have multiple worlds on your server.

    If you're on 1.8+ get it here:
    Otherwise get it from their Bukkit page :)
  7. I already have multiverse, though.
  8. Offline


    Well then how does /mvtp not work? What error does it give you? Do you get any errors in your console?
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