Problem/Bug Votifier

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by AquilesCastro, Nov 24, 2015.

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    Hello, good afternoon / evening / day depending on where you are living xD .

    The problem comes when I have Votifier and RewardVoting plugin. According to the test , votifier running, but when I vote, do not get my reward RewardVoting configured in the plugin. Like I have not set well Votifier or do not know, I 'm Spanish and I have seen many tutorials , but being in English do not quite understand . If someone could help me , because what you escribais , I can translate, but I can not translate a video of youtube xDDD

    Thank you so much friends.
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    RewardVoting isn't that known as far as I know, I'd suggest you use GAListener or some other common vote reward solution to resolve your problem.

    Also, as far as I'm concerned the last update wasn't for a few months, so the version probably isn't compatible with your server.
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    Ok , GaListener had before , but neither worked. My question is , Should I put something in Votifier to link the listener ?

    My config in votifier is:

    port: 25765
    debug: false
    listener_folder: plugins/Votifier/listeners
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
  4. Offline


    You have to put some listeners in the listeners folder and some in the plugins folder. Read the installation section for the listener. Also try setting debug mode to true and it will say on your server console if you receive the actual vote.
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    I think this is the problem...

    Now my config is:

    port: 8888
    debug: true
    listener_folder: port 25765/plugins/GAListener

    my server is that it is not the beginning of the ftp, but in a folder called port 25765 which can not rename or delete or anything, then how I put in the plugin this name? because it has spaces
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