Solved Votifier/GAListener Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by judeman222, Jun 27, 2015.

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    So I have a 1.8.7 spigot server with 1.8 votifier and the paid version of GAListener off of spigot but whenever I configure it to any website except for some reason it never accepts it. I use the correct public key and I have the space for the votifier IP in the config blank and the port 8192 (I port forwarded that port as well). It says on MCSL that it updated successfully but whenever I vote on it when I'm on my server it doesn't give me my 5 diamonds (I configured GAListener to give 5 diamonds whenever you vote) and it always shows that I still always have 0 votes accounted for. Can anyone please help? This has been going on for weeks now.
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    That doesn't necessarily mean that it connected to Votifier, based on the fact that you're saying it doesn't work on any other server, I'm guessing that MCSL is just saying that you've updated your post successfully. Try putting localhost as the IP in Votifier config, since from what you've said you're running the server on your computer. Make sure the IP you're putting in the Votifier section online is your external IP and obviously the port is your Votifier port (8192).
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    host: localhost
    port: 8192
    debug: false
    listener_folder: plugins/Votifier/listeners

    this is my entire votifier config.yml. Im gonna guess that I just didn't port forward 8192 correctly. I can guess since whenever i go to and do the votifier test it says it cant connect to (my external IP) so I'm gonna guess that I just didnt forward it correctly. I'll get help on that but so far no one has any instructions on how to port forward for my specific router type.
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    @oceantheskatr Yep, I've tried many sites like that. it shows the router that precedes and succeedes it but not the specific model itself.
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    OK I FOUND IT OUT Apparently instead of "localhost" I just had to go into the official specified name for my pc and put it as that. I did port forward 8192 correctly! Citizens on my server now get 5 diamonds for every website they vote on :D
  9. Offline


    Very strange, where did you find this specified name? I ask so that if anyone else is searching threads, then they can more easily take care of their issue :)
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    Well when I went into my router and got into the port forwarding, theres a list I can choose from for the internal IP. Among those was my computer's internal IP with the name being Jude-Gaming-PC (The name I gave it).
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    Ahh alright :)
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