Variable in IChatBaseComPonent (Packet)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Grossen, Apr 30, 2015.

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                IChatBaseComponent comp = ChatSerializer.a("{\"text\":\"You need to choose which gamemode you want to challange \", \"extra\":[{\"text\":\"target.getName()\"}]}");
                PacketPlayOutChat packet = new PacketPlayOutChat(comp);
    Is it possible to add a variable (target#getName) in a IChatBaseComponent (packet)?
    Check the "extra" part of the packet.

    Anyone know if it's possible?
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    @Grossen what is target? is it the player where the packet is going to? is it another player? as far as i know you can send it as you would normaly do with a String
    "Blah "+player#getName+" Blah";
  3. Thats your current:
    The escaped character is \" (to use " in a string without interrupting the beginning/end of it)
    You need a normal " to close the string, add your variable, and then add another "
    [{\"text\":\"" + target.getName() + "\"}]}");
    If you want to handle the json text easier, use my util: JsonBuilder:
    For your code it would be:
    JsonBuilder jb = new JsonBuilder("You need to choose which gamemode you want to challenge ").withText(target.getName());
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