Vampire Plugin (Kind Of Just A Very Detailed Suggestion)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by gbear17, Jan 26, 2015.

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    I will periodically check this thread and reply to all relevant replies, please give me your thoughts. This is based off a vampire plugin used on factions server, which I play a lot. This is a copied thread i posted on [which is currently having server problems (1/26/15 7:20pm pst)] I was told that if i could find someone to create this they would be able to consider replacing they're current vampire plugin with this. This plugin on is also very similar, but not the same, to a 'vampire' plugin on this website I saw.

    Plugin used on is at these web addresses
    I have posted a reply on that page and directed him/her to this page and give complete credit to the vampire plugin on for the ideas I got from it.

    Now in addition to all that information under this paragraph, there are two altars, altar of darkness, and altar of light, all they are is moderately sized altars built with rare materials with the rarest one front and center. For the altar of light you right click it with a glass bottle it gives you holy water, which hurts vampires, also it can cleanse you of the being a vampire. An altar of darkness is right clicked and it starts the vampire process.

    Vamps are a little bit overpowered... So I think the only ways to become a vamp should be an altar of darkness (which should need rarer materials and more work to build), and to be infected in battle (currently a small chance, which works). Also, you should have to work harder for your 'perks'. Holy water would still affect all vampires the same.

    To become a higher ranked vamp, you have to fulfill certain criteria. For example: be your current vamp rank for a specified in game time, kill a certain amount of animals or players, or both, maybe gather some items, then right click alter of darkness again.

    To become a lower rank you have to use altar of light, and to become human again you have to use altar of light until your Vampire Fledgling then one more time and your human again!

    Vampire Fledgling

    Infect )/v i)
    Unlimited sprint
    Stationary food level unless using bloodlust (which you don't have yet) or regenerating health and only way to refill it is to kill animals or drink blood (give and accept blood commands)
    Truce with monsters, they wont attack unless you attack first
    Health regenerates quickly at expense of food level

    Get nausea after 6 seconds in sunlight
    Get slowness after 12 seconds in sunlight
    Burn after 15 seconds in sunlight
    Go blind in sunlight after 25 seconds
    Wooden swords do extra damage to vampire fledglings

    Vampire (with all as before +...)

    Nightvision (/v n)
    Permanent jump boost (2 blocks high)
    Bloodlust (attack 120% /v b)

    Get nausea after 3 seconds in sunlight
    Get slowness after 6 seconds in sunlight
    Burn after 10 seconds in sunlight
    Go blind in sunlight after 20 seconds
    Wooden swords do same amount of damage as they do to vampire fledglings

    Veteran Vampire (with all as before +...)

    No fall damage
    No suffocation

    Get nausea after 1 second in sunlight
    Get slowness after 2 seconds in sunlight
    Burn after 5 seconds in sunlight
    Go blind in sunlight after 15 seconds
    Wooden swords do same amount of damage as they do to vampire fledglings

    Master Vampire (with all as before +...)

    Permanent Jump boost (3 blocks high)
    Bloodlust (attack 130% /v b)
    Permanent speed boost (constant swift potion maybe..?)

    Get nausea immediately in sunlight
    Get slowness immediately in sunlight
    Burn immediately in sunlight
    Go blind in sunlight after 10 seconds
    Wooden swords do same amount of damage as they do to vampire fledglings
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015
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    A lot of work to be done, even if it was just one rank.
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    But worth it

    The 2 links to the same vampire plugin i showed, they are this, but one rank, and average of all those 'perks'

    Its possible, right?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Nobody said impossible, it is the fact that the request is huge.
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    Is that bad?
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    That is a massive request. If I had to guess, its pretty unlikely someone is going to take the time to make that without some sort of compensation.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @gbear17 Bad is a weird word here, unlikely to get made is a better description.
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