Inactive Supernatural Players v2.5.2 - Vampires, Werewolves, Ghouls, Priests and More [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Matterz, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Supernatural Players
    A player classes plugin for Minecraft

    Current Version: v2.5.2

    This plugin was originally inspired by TrainYourBrain's Vampire plugin. My server used and enjoyed Vampires, but we felt that more fun could be had by having multiple classes; each with their own unique abilities. After a lot of brainstorming, civilized debate, and shouting; we decided to start with an initial release of Vampires, Werewolves, Ghouls and Priests.

    What's new in Version 2:
    Version 2 of Supernatural Players adds the classes of Demon and WitchHunter. Both classes are considered to be Ranged DPS type. Further details can now be found in the Classes list below. Also available is Multi-World support. To use this feature you need to set (multiword: true) in the config.yml. Then set for all permission groups in the worlds where you don't want the plugin to be active.

    version v2.5.2 (Recommended)
    version v1.1.9


    Recommended Plugins:
    - Permissions
    - WorldGuard

    • General Information:
      • Classes include Vampire, Werewolf, Ghoul, and Priest
      • All classes have active and passive abilities that depend on their current power level.
      • Each class has a slightly different method for gaining power (See class details below).
      • Using active abilities and dying both drain a player's power.
      • Each class has unique join and quit events (See class change details below).
      • Your current power/total power determines how well your passive abilities work!
      • In-game help is accessed by /sn help
      • WitchHunters' Kill List is randomly generated on server restarts. (Admin command /sn rmTarget can be used to remove players from the list)
    • Class Join/Leave Information:
      • Each class has a unique event required for joining or leaving.
      • Joining a Class:
        • Humans construct special Altars to convert to Vampires, starting with a solid Gold Block.
        • Humans sometimes convert to Werewolves when dying to wild wolves at night.
        • Pig Zombies sometimes have the ability to make humans undead rather than just dead.
        • Any human who shows proper devotion to the Church may become a Priest.
        • Non-Priest humans who can prove their Supernatural Hunting Abilities by slaying 3 different types of supernaturals without dying will be invited to the WitchHunters' Association.
        • Humans who enter the Nether covered in dead animal skins (leather armor) and sacrifice themselves to the Inferno will become Demonic.
      • Leaving a Class:
        • Vampires construct special Altars to regain their humanity, starting with a solid Lapis Block.
        • Werewolves must make themselves a Wolfbane potion, starting with an empty Bowl.
        • Priests merely have to insult the Church by offering Coal to the donations' Altar.
        • The Holy energy of the Church's Altar will sometimes cleanse a Ghoul and restore their humanity.
        • Demons who die in icy water while carrying snowballs will find the demonic fire in their blood cooled.
        • WitchHunters who exhibit extremely poor bow skills (kill themselves) will be removed from the Association.
    Classes (open)

    • Vampires (Melee DPS):
      • Gain Power By:
        • Killing Creatures
        • Killing Players
        • Gained over time while logged into the server (Passive)
      • Passive Abilities:
        • Water Breathing (Drains Power)
        • Health Regeneration (Drains Power)
        • Increased Attack Damage
        • Combat Damage Reduction
        • Fall Damage Immunity
        • Truce with Some Monsters
      • Active Abilities:
        • Set Teleport Location (Right-Click with: Red Rose) - Uses 0 Power
        • Teleport (Left-Click with: Book) - Uses 9000 Power
        • High Jump (Left-Click with: Red Rose) - Uses 1000 Power
      • Weaknesses:
        • Catch Fire in Sunlight (if not wearing Gold Helm)
        • Increased Damage Taken from Wooden Objects
        • Cannot Eat Food
    • Werewolves (Melee DPS):
      • Gain Power By:
        • Killing Creatures
        • Killing Players
        • Eating Food (excludes Bread)
      • Passive Abilities:
        • Health Regeneration
        • Increased Attack Damage
        • Fall Damage Reduction
        • Truce with Wolves
      • Active Abilities:
        • Summon Wolf Pet (Left-Click with: Raw Pork) - Uses 2000 Power
        • Dash (Left-Click with: Feather) - Uses 400 Power
      • Weaknesses:
        • Abilities only Active at Night
        • Cannot Use Weapons at Night
    • Ghouls (Tanks):
      • Gain Power By:
        • Killing Creatures
        • Killing Players
      • Passive Abilities:
        • Health Regeneration
        • Increased Attack Damage
        • Combat Damage Reduction
        • Fall Damage Immunity
        • Truce with Undead Monsters
      • Active Abilities:
        • Summon Zombie (Left-Click with: Raw Pork) - Uses 1000 Power
        • Unholy Bond (Left-Click with: Bone) - Uses 50 Power
      • Weaknesses:
        • Damaged by Water
        • Cannot Use Weapons
    • Priests (Healers/Utility):
      • Gain Power By:
        • Donating to the Church (Bread, Fish, Grilled Pork)
      • Passive Abilities:
        • Additional Damage vs. Supernaturals
        • Smite (Fire) Damage vs. Supernaturals
        • Smite (Fire) Damage vs. Monsters
      • Active Abilities:
        • Banish Supernatural (Left-Click with: Feather) - Uses 4000 Power
        • Exorcise Supernatural (Left-Click with: Sugar) - Uses 9000 Power
        • Drain Supernatural (Left-Click with: Book) - Uses 1000 Power
        • Cure Supernatural (Left-Click with: Flint) - Uses 4000 Power
        • Heal Human (Left-Click with: Paper) - Uses 1000 Power
        • Guardian Angel (Left-Click with: Wool) - Uses 5000 Power
      • Weaknesses:
        • Cannot Wear Armor
        • Cannot Attack Animals
    • Demons (Ranged DPS):
      • Gain Power By:
        • Killing Creatures
        • Killing Players
        • Standing in Lava
      • Passive Abilities:
        • Immune to All Fire Damage
        • Heal while in Lava
        • Immune to Fall Damage
      • Active Abilities:
        • Fireball (Left-Click with: Redstone) - Uses 2000 Power
        • Snare (Left-Click with: Ink Sack) - Uses 1000 Power
      • Weaknesses:
        • Cannot Wear Armor
        • Lose Power when NOT in Lava or the Nether
    • WitchHunter (Ranged DPS):
      • Gain Power By:
        • Killing Players
        • Bonus for killing Players on the kill list (/sn KillList)
      • Passive Abilities:
        • Fall Damage Reduction
      • Active Abilities:
        • Fire Arrow (Light target on Fire) - Uses 100 Power
        • Triple Arrow (Quickly fire 3 arrows) - Uses 100 Power
        • Grapple Arrow (Grapples on target) - Uses 500 Power
        • Power Arrow (Attack with bonus damage) - Uses 1000 Power
      • Weaknesses:
        • Can Only Wear Leather Armor
        • Cannot Use Melee Weapons

    • Spell Details:
      • The term 'Supernatural' applies to Vampires, Werewolves, Ghouls, and Demons only.
      • All spells will consume the item used to cast them.
      • Priest spells have a range of 20 blocks.
      • Banish will send the target player to the Banish Location set by server admins
      • Drain will remove 15% of the target's current power
      • Heal restores up to 5 hearts of health per cast
      • Cure will restore the target to Humanity (reverting them to Priesthood or making them merely Human) [Both the Priest and the target must be holding Flint for this spell to function]
      • Exorcise also restores the target to Humanity, but does not require the target's cooperation!
      • Teleport to Coven will return the Vampire to a location set by server admins
      • Demons' Snare spell lasts only 10 seconds.
      • Cycle through a WitchHunter's Arrow Types by Left-Clicking with a Bow
      • A WitchHunter's Power Arrow will cause the bow to go into 'cooldown' before you can fire again.
      • Triple Shot is intended to help WitchHunters keep a supply of arrows. If you do not want WitchHunters to gain arrows this way then remove Triple Shot from the config.yml
      • Vampires are immune to sun damage when wearing a Gold Helm
      • Ghouls' Unholy Bond ability allows them to share damage taken with their supernatural target as long as they are close by
      • Priests' Guardian Angel ability will protect their friend from death once
    Future Features:

    • Adding Ice Elemental (Supernatural: Ranged Utility)
    • Adding NightStalker (Human: Stealth)
    If interested you can join us on our Minecraft server to 'beta test' new classes and provide feedback and suggestions.

    Forum Thread: ChaoticUniformity

    Altar Examples:
    AltarExamples (open)

    Vampire Cure Altar:


    Vampire Infect Altar:

    Priest Altar:

    WitchHunter Hall:

    <optional Parameter>
    [required Parameter]
    /sn help - Shows a list of available commands
    /sn power - Shows current class and powerlevel
    /sn list - Shows a list of online players in each class
    /sn classes - Shows a list of classes with a short description of each
    /sn admin - Shows a list of available Admin commands
    /sn cure <playername> - Restores player to humanity (either reverting them to Priest or making them human)
    /sn convert <playername> [class] - Converts a player to the specified class
    /sn power <playername> [amount] - Gives player specified amount of power
    /sn reset <playername> - Resets a player's power to zero
    /sn rmTarget <playername> - Removes player from the WitchHunter kill list
    /sn reload <type> - Reloads the config.yml or data.yml file
    /sn save - Saves both the config.yml and data.yml files (default: config.yml)
    /sn restartTask - Restarts the task timer used for many passive abilities (in case of it crashing due to overload)
    /sn setChurch - Sets the player's current location as the Church
    /sn setBanish - Sets the player's current location as the Banish location

    Permissions Nodes:
    Code: - access to /sn help
    supernatural.command.list - access to /sn list
    supernatural.command.power - access to /sn power
    supernatural.command.classes - access to /sn classes
    supernatural.command.killlist - access to /sn killlist
    supernatural.player.shrineuse - access to vampire and priest shrines
    supernatural.player.wolfbane - access to wolfbane potion creation
    supernatural.player.preventwaterdamage - prevents ghouls from taking water damage
    supernatural.player.preventsundamage - prevents vampires from taking damage in sunlight
    supernatural.player.witchhuntersign - allows player to create WitchHunter signs used for WitchHunter Halls
    supernatural.admin.infinitepower - gives player unlimited power
    supernatural.admin.partial.curse - allows player to change their own class only - disables supernatural players in world if: (multiworld: true) in the config.yml
    supernatural.admin.command.adminhelp - access to /sn admin
    supernatural.admin.command.cure - access to /sn cure
    supernatural.admin.command.curse - access to /sn convert
    supernatural.admin.command.power - access to /sn power <playername> [amount]
    supernatural.admin.command.reset - access to /sn reset
    supernatural.admin.command.reload - access to /sn reload - access to /sn save
    supernatural.admin.command.setchurch - access to /sn setChurch
    supernatural.admin.command.setbanish - access to /sn setBanish

    Setup Steps:
    1. Download .zip file
    2. Unzip files and place in plugins/ folder
    3. Start Server
    4. Go to Church location and use /sn setChurch
    5. Go to Banish location and use /sn setBanish
    6. Create a WitchHunters' Hall by placing an Iron Door with a nearby sign using the term 'WitchHunter' (default)
    Additional Note:
    Most features in this plugin can be changed in the config.yml for balancing or to help prevent conflict with other plugins. However, be warned that improper changes to the config.yml can cause the plugin to fail entirely! Most servers should not have to make any changes to the default settings in order to successfully run Supernatural Players.

    (Appreciated, but definitely not required.)

    Versions are numbered x.y.z
    x - major release (major incompatibility changes)
    y - feature release (feature changes, some incompatibility changes)
    z - bugfix only (general bugfix, bukkit version update)

    version 2.5.2
    • Corrected NPE bug with ghouls
    CompleteChangeLog (open)

    version 2.5.1
    • All Classes can have Armor/Weapons restrictions!
    • Ghoul Unholy Bond correctly considers Armor
    • Added Persistence for Guardian Angel, WitchHunter Application Progress, and Vampire Teleport spots
    version 2.4.1
    • Fixed several bugs:
      • Vampires can no longer eat ever
      • Players will not lose power while in a disabled world
      • Fireballs with not damage players with GodMode active
    • New Priest spell 'Guardian Angel'
    • New Ghoul ability 'Unholy Bond'
    • Vampires can now prevent sun damage with a Gold Helm (default)
    • Vampires can now set their own teleport location
      • Right-Click with a Red Rose (default)
      • /sn setCoven removed as it is no longer used
    version 2.2.10
    • Minor adjustments to help server load
    version 2.2.8
    • Minor Bug Fixes:
      • Ghouls now regen in rain when under glass
      • MultiWorld should correctly disable all Supernatural events
      • Hunters can no longer fire without arrows
      • All death events should penalize power
    version 2.2.7
    • New permission allows admins infinite power
    • Gave demons fall damage immunity to prevent lava-fall bug
    version 2.2.6
    • Completely fixed chance to convert to Werewolf
    version 2.2.5
    • Fixed chance to convert to Werewolf and Ghoul
    • Ghouls no longer regen in rain
    • Demons power messages in lava should now be accurate
    • Added CreatureKill to WitchHunters (against my will :'()
    version 2.2.3
    • Added new classes:
      • WitchHunter
      • Demon
    • Added Multi-World Support
    • Added Permission node for WitchHunter sign creation
    • Prevent Ghouls from taking water damage if in a Boat
    • Allows Priests to use Smite on Monsters
    • Added admin command to start Task Timer if it fails
    version 1.1.9
    • Re-ordered deathevents to give proper power credit
    version 1.1.8
    • Added Permission node for Sunlight damage on Vampires
    version 1.1.7
    • Added Permission node for Wolfbane Creation
    • Added Permission node for Ghoul water damage
    • Adjusted Vampire power usage math
    version 1.1.6
    • Made WorldGuard and Permissions Optional
      • Defaults to Op if Permissions is missing
      • Defaults to full build and full PvP if WorldGuard is missing
    • Added Permission node for Shrine Use
    • Added config option for Vampires burning in Sunlight
    version 1.0.6
    • Initial public release

    Attached Files:

    gtgaugusto, LegioN7, axo801 and 9 others like this.
  2. hey its deadly, umm i was wondering i made the sign for the witch hunter hall but it didnt say anythng like no indecation that its made, and how do you use it?
    thanks for the help!
  3. Offline


    If you use the admin command /sn convert witchHunter then it should definitely tell you that you are a witchhunter when you use /sn power

    If you are killing 3 different supernatural players and then receiving an invite you must go to the WitchHunter Hall before you actually become a WitchHunter. If you die on the way to the WitchHunter hall then you must start over and kill 3 supernaturals again. If you don't die then knocking on the door should convert you.

    If you setup the Iron Door and the Sign correctly then when you knock on the door it will either open (if you are a WitchHunter) or it will tell you that you aren't allowed in the WitchHunter Hall

    Since the Iron Door is unpowered there is no other way for it to open.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  4. Offline


    Request: Dragon!

    •Passive movespeed/jump (flight)
    •Active fireball
    •Resist fire.
  5. ok but i made the sign on the right side and nothing happened when i right clicked on the door........ it said that your invited. so idk
  6. Offline


    The sign must say 'WitchHunter' with correct capitalization.

    Unless you change the default value in the config file:

  7. ok i figured out the sign prob, but now how do i get accepted once i kill the 3 supernaturals?

    ok sorry for the trouble but thanks for helping me figure this mess out :p GREAT PLUGIN!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  8. Offline


    Ok can someone help me with this i got essentials and i'm putting the permissions in the groupmanager but nothing seems to be working with it i cant get the noraml /sn commands to work for none of my unopped players
  9. Offline


    When my WitchHunters kill creatuers they don't get power. In 2.2.5 you said they do. Any ideas? I'm using 2.2.6
  10. umm one more thing none of the arrows work
    power doenst do anything and no power is being drained
  11. Offline


    With the default settings it still doesnt give you power. You have to go in and change it from 0 to however much you want them to be worth.

            CreatureKill: 0
  12. Offline


    Thanks for that. I added it with 200 as the power point and it still doesn't work
  13. Offline

    Phantom Index

    I can't turn into a demon at all i tried even /sn convert and it tells me it's an invalid type.
  14. Offline


    Make sure you are using version 2.x.

    Rename your config.yml to config_old.yml

    Restart your server and let the plugin re-create the config.yml.

    Open the config.yml and replace any values you like with values from your config_old.yml

    Save the config.yml file and Type /sn reload in-game

    Once you kill 3 different types of Supernaturals you will receive a message inviting you to visit the WitchHunter Hall (Assuming you didn't die at all in between)

    Make sure you either:

    1) Change the config.yml while the server is down and save the file


    2)Change the config.yml while the server is up - save the file - and use /sn reload in-game

    If you don't do /sn reload in-game then your changes will not take affect and will be overwritten

    I'm not supporting Essentials. I only have this plugin setup to work with Permissions 3.x

    The next permissions I'll add is going to be the new bukkit permissions

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  15. Offline


    Okay trying to get the next class working - This time: WitchHunter Hall is not working for me I have tried changing the config file word and used the original with the appropriate Capitalization, no words when I hit the door and arrows are not changing when left clicking on the bow while a witch hunter.

    Thanks again for your help :)
  16. Offline


    Odd - you may have another plugin that is conflicting.

    Turn on debugging and see what it says when you knock on an Iron Door.

    Ideally it should say:
  17. Offline


    Hey I have a problem with updating the version, i have rename my old config and copy the config of the new version in the supernatural-players.file, what must i do now ?
  18. Offline


    Ok witchhunter hall works for my users but no luck for admins for admins - not seeing anything in particular in the debug mode. I will look at my permission settings tomorrow and see if that might be causing the problem. Thanks again
  19. Offline


    hey all i'm getting invailed suppernatual type for demons/ witch hunters any idea how to getit to work btw the werewolfs will not spawn the pet
  20. Offline


    Make sure you are using version 2.x.

    Rename your config.yml to config_old.yml

    Restart your server and let the plugin re-create the config.yml.

    Open the config.yml and replace any values you like with values from your config_old.yml

    Save the config.yml file and Type /sn reload in-game

    It needs to be night-time and you have to be in a zone that allows creatures to spawn.
  21. Offline


    thanks mate
  22. Offline


    You followed these steps?

  23. Offline


    can't seem to fin 2.x i know were using 2.2.6

    i'm replaying on behalf of the admin i have to wait for him to be on :( if you use ts3 you can talk to him when he is on next

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  24. Offline


    By 2.x I just mean any version starting with a '2'
  25. Offline


    kk thanks will get admion to work on it
  26. Offline


    kick ass update :)
  27. Is their a way to make one player have infinite power so they could be an alpha of that class?
  28. Offline


    I have another question, can disable your infection, because when I kill someone and I am Vampire by example and he becomes as I would avoid it.
    thank you in advance
  29. Offline


    I have a problem with this mod. When i install it(i have permission 3 mod also) It seems to conflict with another mod called monsterhunt. It makes monsterhunt give an internal error message. Below is the errors. Any idea how i can fix it?

    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-945-g73697a4-b1000jnks (MC: 1.7.3)
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE] java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class com.nijiko.permissions.ModularControl$RefreshTask from class com.nijiko.permissions.ModularControl
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE]     at com.nijiko.permissions.ModularControl.<init>(
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE]     at com.nijikokun.bukkit.Permissions.Permissions.setupPermissions(
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE]     at com.nijikokun.bukkit.Permissions.Permissions.onLoad(
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE]     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE]     at
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE] [Permissions] Unable to load permission data.
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [SEVERE] [Permissions] Shutting down Permissions due to error(s).
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [INFO] [Permissions] (Yeti) was initialized.
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [INFO] [Permissions] (Yeti) disabled successfully.
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [INFO] Preparing level "smp"
    2011-07-28 08:57:31 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 235328460)
    2011-07-28 08:57:32 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 235328460)
    2011-07-28 08:57:32 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 65%
    2011-07-28 08:57:32 [INFO] AutoHelp version 0.2 is enabled!
    2011-07-28 08:57:32 [INFO] [HELP] 0 extra help entries loaded
    2011-07-28 08:57:32 [INFO] [HELP] Permissions enabled using: Permissions v3.1.6
    2011-07-28 08:57:32 [INFO] [HELP] Help enabled
    2011-07-28 08:57:32 [INFO] [BasicHerobrine] BasicHerobrine version 1.2 has been enabled.
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] [HeroicDeath] enabled.
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] Lockette version 1.3.8 is being enabled!  Yay!  (Core version 1.0)
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] Lockette: Detected craftbukkit build [1000] ok.
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] [Permissions] (Yeti) disabled successfully.
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] Lockette: Failed to link to Permissions plugin version 3.1.6!
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] Lockette: Using ops file for admin permissions.
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] Lockette: Ready to protect your containers.
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] [MinecraftViewer] v1.0c Plugin Enabled.
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] [MinecraftViewer] Query running on
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] [MonsterHunt] MonsterHunt Loaded!
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] [PVP Arena] enabled. (version 0.0.5)
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] [SupernaturalPlayers v2.2.6] SupernaturalPlayers version 2.2.6 enabled.
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] [SupernaturalPlayers v2.2.6] Found and will use plugin Permissions v3.1.6
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] WeatherRestrictions version 1.8 is enabled!
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] WelcomeMe version 1.2.0 is enabled!
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] [MobArena] v0.93.4 enabled.
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    2011-07-28 08:57:33 [INFO] Done (0.185s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    If i uninstall supernatural players, all works fine
  30. Offline


    Ok i have a question i am on another person server and they just installed this mod and was curious we have mutli worlds set and warp between them but on the other server wolves are not able to be spawned due to haveing them in the other world... just wondering is there a setting or a option that can be done to relive this or an easy fix for me a WW to get this so i can spawn them?
  31. Offline


    Try using WolfPound plugin - lets you make signs to create wolves

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