
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sailorerik, Aug 27, 2015.

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    Dear bukkit developer, i need your help.

    Basically, i know how to use MySQL on Bukkit, Spigot, but i have no idea how to use SqlLite.
    If you gonna post, then do not give me any api like SQLibrary.
    Also, if you give me help, can you give me example also?

    Best wishes, and better school start,
    Arr Sailor.
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    @sailorerik Normally you already have access to those things by using the JDBC, and bukkit already comes with a pre-packaged SQLite library (but it's for Java 5 or so, so you may lack some new additions).

    You just have to get the connection and use it from then
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    Any example about SqlLite?
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    What do you want an example of? I'm sure if you looked on Google you can find what you need.
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    I mean, how do i set and get values? Or getting and setting values is like MySQL?
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    @sailorerik Using the JDBC yes, you use the same classes and stuff, the syntax is almost the same (since both are SQL) but there are a few changes, but you can find those using Google.
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    Thanks for quick help!
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