Sprinting with Blindness Effect

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BrennyMullan, Nov 23, 2015.

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    I am creating a plugin where i want the players to have the blindness potion effect and still be able to sprint.

    The blindness effect currently disables the ability to sprint and i am wondering if anyone knows of a way where i can bypass that.

    I have tried the PlayerToggleSprintEvent and giving it the highest priority and setting the setCanceled to false but did not work.

    If anyone knows of a way i can do this or to achieve the same effect as sprinting i would appreciate it.
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    Try listening to the togglesprint event and setting the velocity to higher, or giving them a speed potion effect while "sprinting"
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    The problem is the event is not called while blind, i tested it with a simple player message which is called without the effect but not with it.
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    Ah ok.

    Well I'm not sure what you can do then tbh
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