Setting a wolf hostile towards specific players.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CraterHater, Jul 2, 2015.

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    I want to make a wolf that is hostile towards all players except for the player that summoned him, I also want him to decay after 15 seconds. How do I do that?

    This is the summoning code:
                                                                public void onPlayerUse10(PlayerInteractEvent event){
                                                                    Player p = event.getPlayer();         
                                                                        if(p.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.DIAMOND_SWORD){  
                                                                           int value2 = getConfig().getInt(p.getName() + ".Permission1");
                                                                            if(value2 == 2) {
                                                                            if (Cooldowns.tryCooldown(p, "x12", 12000)) {
                                                                                p.sendMessage("§b§2[Spells]:§rYou casted the werewolf Spell!");
                                                                                //Here that wolf has to spawn
                                                                                 p.playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.NOTE_PLING, 5, 5);
                                                                            p.sendMessage("§b§2[Spells]:§rYou have " + (Cooldowns.getCooldown(p, "x12") / 1000) + " seconds left!");
                                                                            p.playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.NOTE_PLING, 3, 3);
                                                                            p.getWorld().playEffect(p.getLocation(), Effect.SMOKE, 100);
  2. @CraterHater I suggest checking out the Wolf interface for more info. There is a setAngry() and setTarget() method, though. To make the player that summoned him his owner, you can use setOwner().
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    @CraterHater @CodePlaysMinecraft ain't sure at all if this will work but :
    Wolf myentity = (Wolf) e.getPlayer().getWorld().spawnEntity(e.getPlayer().getLocation(), EntityType.WOLF);
    EDIT: Set to solved if this works
  4. @_Error Yeah, that would work. The only thing missing would be to set the owner to the player spawning it.

    @CraterHater I'm not sure, but you could make a scheduler and after 3 seconds set the wolf's health to 0 or -1. That would probably be the best way to despawn it.
  5. Offline


    No it doesn't work for me, the wolf spawns but isn't hostile
  6. Offline


    I'm pretty sure you can

    Adding 1 more information,
    If you want to set the target you can use
    EDIT: @CraterHater Try setting the target and owner.
  7. Offline


    @_Error Works thx Solved
    EDIT: still having some difficulties
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2015
  8. Offline


    Np :)
  9. Offline


    @_Error I still have some problems, this code does not make the wolf hostile towards nearby entities.
    Wolf myentity = (Wolf) p.getWorld().spawnEntity(p.getLocation(), EntityType.WOLF);
    myentity.setCustomName("Summoned Werewolf");
    for(Entity x : p.getNearbyEntities(150, 10, 150))
    myentity.setTarget((LivingEntity) x);
    p.sendMessage("Should be done properly");
    It also doesn't display the message
  10. Offline


    @CraterHater Debug some more (find out what line it stops at). I think that every time you do setTarget it CHANGES the target, not add one. So that would mean that your target would keep changing. Also, stacktrace?
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    @dlange I added one message and here is everything: it does say 1 but not the other message:
                                                                public void onPlayerUse10(PlayerInteractEvent event){
                                                                    Player p = event.getPlayer();         
                                                                        if(p.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.DIAMOND_SWORD){  
                                                                           int value2 = getConfig().getInt(p.getName() + ".Permission1");
                                                                            if(value2 == 2) {
                                                                            if (Cooldowns.tryCooldown(p, "x12", 28000)) {
                                                                                p.sendMessage("§b§2[Spells]:§rYou casted the werewolf Spell!");
    Wolf myentity = (Wolf) p.getWorld().spawnEntity(p.getLocation(), EntityType.WOLF);
    myentity.setCustomName("Summoned Werewolf");
    for(Entity x : p.getNearbyEntities(150, 10, 150))
    myentity.setTarget((LivingEntity) x);
    p.sendMessage("Should be done properly");
  12. Offline


    @CraterHater Maybe just set it to angry, and its owner to the owner. IT should attack everyone but them?
  13. Offline


    Can you set a wolf target for more than 1 person/mob? I ain't sure. Try what @dlange said, It might work.
  14. Offline


    @_Error Don't believe that you can, as it always targets 1
  15. Offline


    I think he might have to spawn it just as an angry wolf.
  16. Offline


    @_Error @dlange I wan't it just to attack all entities except for the spawner but how...
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    A dog will not attack it's owner, as @CodePlaysMinecraft said.
    CodePlaysMinecraft likes this.
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