Solved Really weird bug

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CheesyFreezy, Apr 26, 2015.

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  1. Did you even see the answers??
    And this...
    Why do you expect other players to be there when ONLY YOU are playing?!?!?!?!? :confused:
  2. Give us the line of code / block of code that you get the error in. If there's no error in the console. Simply use syso's to check if the code is being executed.
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    There're no errors and the full code works, i already knew that. The problem is that there's a countdown for when the game starts/grace period ended/deathmatch/etc, but the message like "The game starts in 10 seconds" only shows for the first player who joined the game.
  4. You said only you were playing the game. To what other player should the message be sent if theres only you
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    @FisheyLP thank you for trying to help me (and all the rest). I fixed it, the problem was that the timerPhase was being set from 1 to 2 in the loop and then the other players won't loop through that code. (I can't explain, but i hope you understand now).
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