Rainbow color name using PEX

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by RanterMC, May 25, 2015.

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    Hey there!
    So I was whiling to know, if it's possible to make a coloured rank name (for example like Developer rank on MCGamer) using PEX.
    Or maybe using Essentials Chat..
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    Refer to this for colours :) http://ess.khhq.net/mc/

    You just toss them in front of what you want, like "&9Developer" or "&8[&4Admin&8] &r" etc.
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    You would add 'prefix: <prefix here>' under the options in PEX, and then for it to work, you have to get a chat plugin. I recommend EssentialsChat.
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    Well, I actually meant if it's possible to have a rainbow nickname color, not a prefix color, but a nickname color..
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    @RanterMC Use EssentialsChat, and then use the /nick command. Just use &<colorID>
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    @RanterMC And those colorIDs can be found at the URL I linked :)
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