Solved Potions' data value vs metadata ?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Digi, Feb 11, 2013.

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  1. Hi, so I know that data value sets the potion's effect/duration/splash/etc as it gets out of a brewer... but what's with the PotionMeta and its ghostly effects ?

    I'm confused by these options, I want to use them to allow users to customize potion results from recipes but I don't really understand what's the metadata role and how it collides with data values :/...
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  3. I know how to use the API, that's easy, what I don't understand is what's PotionMeta's role... how do they affect any potion... someone who actually used PotionMeta and understands why its there next to potion data value should reply :}

    That does nothing like that, the potion's name remains "water bottle", it does however change the effect displayed in inventory.

    Oh nice, now to top it off there are 2 enums for potion types... PotionType and PotionEffectType :/ I know which one should be used on what by why 2 diferent systems ?!

    Apparently if you add PotionMeta it takes over the effects of data value if applied.

    If PotionMeta is present the data value affects:
    - if data value 0 potion will *look* like water bottle with no effects, but when used it will have all effects.
    - if data value is anything else it will have the first effect name and it will list the other effects too (even if you only set splash and no type)
    - data value controls if it's a splash and the color of the bottle's liquid by setting potion type.
    - data value's extend and level/tier doesn't seem to have any diference

    This is what I asked for :p so I think I've figured how they interact... unless there's something else I missed.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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    Potion data values are reserved for predefined potions, whereas PotionMeta can be used to define new custom potions.
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    i.e. Try to add more effects to a single potion by using data values.
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