Playing sound just for one player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mouz_, Nov 30, 2015.

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  1. Hi,

    how can I play sound to just one player, so nobody else can hear it?
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    I'm not going to feed you code, but it's very simple.

    You user player.playSound(location, sound, pitch, volume)
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
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    1. One line is not spoonfeeding.
    2. That would not work. You also need the pitch and the volume. (The pitch should be 1, and the volume's max is 10.)
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    @Zombie_Striker Yeah, true. Really depends on your opinion, I've heard a million definitions on spoon feeding.

    And yeah, I forgot that.. Haha, sorry, I was in a rush with no IDE.
  5. So other players near this player won't hear this sound?
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    Yes. If you want All other players near the player to hear it, then loop through all players online. If you want a select few from a group of player to hear the sound, add them to an array, loop through it, and use playerInArray.playSound()
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