Solved PlayerRespawnEvent - Problem with setting PotionEffects

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by lexmint, Jun 15, 2014.

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    I've a problem with PlayerRespawnEvent in my first plugin associated with kits and PvP. When I'm trying to give player an item or armor - it appears in player's inventory, but when I'm trying to give player some PotionEffects - it doesn't. With PlayerJoinEvent it works.
    Here's the code. I'd be thankful to you for solving this trouble.

    1. public class HSKitsPvP extends JavaPlugin {
    2. Logger pluginLogger;
    3. public final PlayerJoinListener pj = new PlayerJoinListener();
    4. public final PlayerRespawnListener pr = new PlayerRespawnListener();
    5. @Override
    6. public void onEnable() {
    7. PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager();
    8. pm.registerEvents(this.pj, this);
    9. pm.registerEvents(, this);
    10. }
    11. @Override
    12. public void onDisable() {
    13. }
    15. }
    17. public class PlayerRespawnListener implements Listener {
    18. public static HSKitsPvP plugin;
    19. @EventHandler
    20. public void onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent event) {
    21. Player player = event.getPlayer();
    23. player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, 99999,
    24. 1));
    25. player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HEALTH_BOOST,
    26. 99999, 20));
    27. }
    28. }
    30. public class PlayerJoinListener implements Listener {
    31. public static HSKitsPvP plugin;
    33. @EventHandler
    34. public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    35. Player player = event.getPlayer();
    37. player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, 99999,
    38. 1));
    39. player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HEALTH_BOOST,
    40. 99999, 20));
    41. }
    42. }

    Also, there's one more question. How to change player's spawn when player joins the server? (I want to set up a couple of random spawn locations)
    P.S. Sorry for bad English, trying to improve.
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    Deleted user

    1) You have to use a delayed task (1 tick).
    2) You can use Player.teleport().
    lexmint likes this.
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    Thank you!
    Using of delayed task like this? I got error in console.
    1. public void onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent event) {
    2. final Player player = event.getPlayer();
    3. plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(plugin, new Runnable() {
    4. public void run() {
    5. player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, 99999,
    6. 1));
    7. player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.HEALTH_BOOST,
    8. 99999, 20));
    9. }}, 1L);
    10. }
  4. Offline


  5. Yes, but:
    1. Use runTaskLater, scheduleSyncDelayedTask is less efficient (done tests).
    2. Check if player != null.

    For your error, make sure plugin is not null.
    lexmint likes this.
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    player respawn event thrown before player is actually respawned, this same for nearly all event in bukkit.
    lexmint likes this.
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    Thank you for explanations, problem is solved! It was connected with null in the field "plugin" in PlayerRespawnListener - I was so inattentive :)
    KingFaris11 likes this.
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