Solved Placing block as a player using code

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CraftBang, Apr 30, 2015.

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    Hey everyone,

    I'm trying to create a plugin where I can paste schematics as a player using a command like "/house"
    But a problem is it can bypass regions.
    I can make a check for a worldguard region, but not for like the spawnprotection and Factions. (Factions is biggest problem I could solve spawnprotection by just claiming with worldguard)

    My question:
    Anyway to let the user place a block? So I can check if the player is allowed to build there.
    If you have another idea to check if the player is allowed to build there, feel free to share it :D!

    Thanks in advance,

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    You can create a BlockPlaceEvent and call the event, then check to see if it gets cancelled.
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    Why can't you check the spawn protection or factions?

    Bad idea to call internal events, also won't account for any cancelations within nms.
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    Understood, but it's better than nothing. It's also the only way you're going to be able to make it work with every plugin.
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    @CraftBang Are You Using WorldGaurd if so just use the worldgarud API to see if the player can
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