Percentage symbol breaking chat formatting

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Captain Dory, Jan 10, 2015.

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    Captain Dory

    Hi there,

    I'm having a problem with editing the chat formatting.
    This is my current code for the specific section:
    e.setFormat(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&'"&a" "&7: " e.getMessage()));
    ('s' is the player's name)

    If someone were to type a message that has the percentage symbol (%) in it, the formatting is voided and the message appears as it would in vanilla.

    I've seen some threads for this but they didn't fit my problem. Any help would be appreciated :)
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    The format string of the chat event is going to be used as format string, for which % has special meaning.

    So instead of inserting the player name and chat message directly into the format add %1$s for the playername and %2$s for the message. Those are formatting placeholders and will get automatically replaced by bukkit, with the player's display name and the chat message.
    Konato_K likes this.
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    Because that's not how .setFormat() works. You don't insert the message into .setFormat(), it does that on it's own.

    You need two %s tokens in your string. The first represents the player's name, the second represents the message:

    1. e.setFormat(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', "&a%s&7: %s"));
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    The problem is with the message, not the formatting.
    I had the same problem when making a chat plugin. This fixed it.

    String message = e.getMessage().replaceAll("%", "%%");
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    Nooooooo the problem is with the formatting. You're just replacing any case of "%" with "%%" effectively escaping the % because of how java.util.Formatter works. By the javadoc for the event, you should be leaving tokens to be replaced in your format, not inserting them yourselves.
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    Captain Dory

    Thank you. c:
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