Nooby casting help.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ZomBlade_Shadow, Dec 7, 2014.

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    So i coded an XP storing plugin

    1. package me.ZomBlade.BloodyXP;
    3. import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
    4. import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    5. import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
    6. import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
    7. import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
    8. import;
    10. public class Main extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
    12. public void onEnable() {
    13. getLogger().info("XPSign Enabled!");
    14. getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
    15. }
    17. @EventHandler
    18. public void OnSignChange(SignChangeEvent e) {
    19. if (e.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase("&1[StoreXP]")) {
    20. e.setLine(2, "Depôt d'XP");
    22. }
    23. }

    I need to know how I would do my casting on the player that does the Sign.
    like Player p = (Player)[SOMETHING]
    cause im going to do
    1. if p.hasPermission("store.xp") {
    3. }

    Thanks for helping.
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  3. Offline


    That's why I said nooby,I started coding like a week ago.
  4. Offline


    ZomBlade_Shadow have you gone over java basics?
    Also you don't need to send the enable message since bukkit does it for you! :D
    Enjoy your coding journey
  5. Offline


    Ok, so you are new to plugin programming. I assure you, it will be FUN and VIOLENT. If you don't know what I mean by VIOLENT is not able to find solutions and you keep trying and can't get it right. Well, it's just that way! Every plugin creator has been through that.

    if you are looking for a way to see if they have permission to RIGHT CLICK the sign, it's all different:
    public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent pie){
    Player player = pie.getPlayer();
    if(pie.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK){
          if(pie.getClickedBlock().getState() instanceof Sign){
                Sign sign = (Sign) pie.getClickedBlock().getState();   
                if (sign.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase("&1[StoreXP]")) {
                    sign.setLine(2, "Depôt d'XP");
                    sign.setLine(0, sign.getLine(0).replace("&","§"));
                            //do your work here
    ^BTW, that code may have bracket flaws, I may have added or had less of the brackets needed

    If you want to see if they have permission to CREATE, try the following:
    public void onInteract(SignChangeEvent sce){
    Player player = sce.getPlayer();
    Sign sign = (Sign) sce.getBlock().getState(); 
                if (sign.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase("&1[StoreXP]")) {
                    sign.setLine(2, "Depôt d'XP");
                    sign.setLine(0, sign.getLine(0).replace("&","§"));
                    if(player.hasPermission("xp.create"){ //watch out, different permission
                            //do your work here
    This hopefully should work, but I kind of rushed this. Sorry about that. Hope you enjoy the code!!!
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
  6. Offline


    Agentleader1 Pretty sure this is already solved, and I don't think mass spoonfeeding will help him through the "VIOLENT" journey.
    Rocoty likes this.
  7. Offline


    Thanks mine-care,i figured out it was PlayerInteractEvent e
    i should of done my casting with e.

    AgentLeader1 im actually going through the painful,fun and violent journey xd thx for the information on casting too :)
  8. Offline


    Man, I wanted the credit! Oh I don't like this, other people always beat me to it! T_T
    That's it, I'm done!! I officially quit programming, see you guys later! :p
  9. Offline


    Im pretty sure its .replaceAll("&","§")); instead of .replace("&","§"));
  10. Offline


    Nope. ReplaceAll requires Regex, while replace simply replaces all instances of the first charsequence by the second. It's in the javadocs :3
    leon3001 and Skionz like this.
  11. Offline


    Hmm never knew that :p
  12. Offline


    Either way .replace works
  13. @Agentleader1 "Right! I'd like to stop my users from using ellipses because they keep doing it!"

    event.setMessage(event.getMessage().replaceAll("...", ""));
    "Hey, wait, why are all messages blank now? :("

    In programming, never do something that's "wrong but it works". It'll come back and bite you, it's merely a matter of time.

    Yes, replace() does work, but by that logic we could use replaceAll() too, since it will work, except when it doesn't... make sure you know when to not just dismiss someone by saying "Oh, this way works too", but to actually identify that the alternative has flaws. Because let's face it, you may be the one on the wrong side of the argument :)
    leon3001, mythbusterma and teej107 like this.
  14. Offline


    As a side note, Line 19 "e.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase("&1[StoreXP]")" You'll need to replace the & with a § if you mean a colored sign
  15. Offline


    Rather use ChatColors.
  16. Offline


    Eh, they take a lot of room and makes it hard to look at it.
  17. Offline



    They also are a whole lot more readable, and better programming practice, can be auto completed by an IDE, and make it clear exactly which colour you're trying to create.

    But who cares, they're hard to look at apparently.
    SuperOriginal and fireblast709 like this.
  18. Offline


    Idk about that. I have no idea if §a is RED. Honestly, I don't. I may have gotten that right or not but I always have a hard time remembering the codes. As for RED, GREEN or DARK_RED for example, I don't have to memorize some codes to use that. But apart from that, they made ChatColors for a reason and that reason is a pretty darn good one!
  19. Offline


    It's personal preference.
  20. Offline


    Wasn't aware good coding practises were personal preference, I thought they were industry standards. Thanks for the information!
    Skionz and SuperOriginal like this.
  21. Offline


    Please use a more condescending tone, you are really too nice of a person.
    Skionz likes this.
  22. Offline


    @TheOatBaron @mythbusterma @teej107 @fireblast709 @AdamQpzm
    This is already solved guys, don't give him so many notifications/emails!
  23. Offline


    @Agentleader1 If he wants to stop this thread (at least from my posting) he can set the thread prefix to solved.
  24. @Agentleader1 He only receives those if he gets tagged or quoted, or he's watching the thread (assuming default settings)
  25. Offline


    Not quite, the notifications get converted to alerts. Which can be seen, and it doesn't need to be changed.
  26. @Agentleader1 Huh? What notifications? Someone doesn't know if someone posts in there thread here unless they're tagged/quoted/watching the thread.
  27. Offline


    EXCEPT, the fact that notifications get converted to Alerts. They won't get through email by default. But when they visit the website, they will get alerts.
  28. Offline


    @Agentleader1 You are saying like notifications and alerts are different. They seem the same to me. Either way, this thread is getting off topic. If the OP has this solved, then he can mark it as solved with the prefix.
    AdamQpzm likes this.
  29. Final reply: Yes, but that's my point - they won't get either notifications or alerts unless they're following the thread, tagged, or are quoted.
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    FINALER reply: By default, they get alerts without getting tagged.
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