[NMS] EntityPig to target last damager(player)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HeavyMine13, Jul 12, 2014.

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    Hello, I have (onEnable) a method that spawns an EntityPig that spawns at a rate of 5 min with a random location in a radius with the name "Fighter". Then, I have an EntityDamageByEntityEvent checking if the damaged is a pig and it has the name "Fighter", I want to make that EntityPig become enemy to that player and follow it and hit it. How can I make it happen? Shall I use Navigation? Shall I use .setGoalTarget? Thanks!
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    extend EntityPig. and find a tutorial on custom mob registering.
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    Extend it?? Why? I have EntityPig p = //get the pig;
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    Deleted user

    Extend it so you can modify the AI?
    Just a guess. I've never made angry pigs before.
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    HeavyMine13 My method:
    1. Set the pigs direction to the nearest player. (Note: I would make sure the pig can see the player and set a max radius for the pig to go to the player. If none of the requirements are met, then don't do anything with the pig)
    2. Make a cooldown length of attacks for the mob. Ie 2 seconds
    3. Make a boolean coolwown and set it to false.
    4. If cool down is equal to false, and the mob is within a certain distance of a player, manually attack that player.
    5. Set cooldown to true, and start a delayed task of you desired time length and set cooldown back to false after this time
    I hope you understand the process!
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    How to do step 4? Isn't there a way with NMS to do this auto?
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    I don't use NMS, so I was just explaining a way to use my method. There could be a way to auto do that in NMS, but it might only be for certain entity types
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    Look into manipulating PathfinderGoals.
    To get you started off, you should use PathfinderGoalMeleeAttack and PathfinderGoalNearestAttackableTarget
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    Wont that make it attack any player not ones who hit it?
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