Need Help With Configuring ObbyDestruct

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by mewton13, Dec 21, 2014.

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    I need to set it so i can destroy bedrock... but its not working...

    ## - Main Configuration - ##
    # You can disable the plugins entire purpose and just use the custom durability!
    TurnOff_Obby_TNT: false
    Use_Drop_Limiter: true
    # This value subtracts the number from the total amount of obsidian in the blast.
    # So say the total amount of Obsidian is 10 in the blast and the Drop_Limit_Amount
    # is 7, only 3 Obsidian will drop from the blast.
    Drop_Limit_Amount: 0
    # - Extra Settings - #
    H20_TNT: false
    Use_TNT_entity: true
    # - Logger Settings - #
    Report_Explosions: false
    # - Custom Block Configurations - #
    #Durability: 0
    #Break_Naturally: true
    # Example:
    Durability: 1
    Break_Naturally: true
    Durability: 8
    Break_Naturally: true
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