My server wont show up in the list no mo!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Drigas, Dec 20, 2014.

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    As the title says, it will no longer show up in the list. I haven't really started it up in a while, but about a month ago me and my little friends were playing, so this is a recent thing. Obviously its not a big server, because its just me and my friends there, and i dont have a massive amount of plugins, so idk what the problem is. If you require a list of plugins, just ask :) tanx!

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    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2014
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Drigas Lets start with this:
    What list?
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    what do you mean what list?\
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Drigas What exactly are you saying with this post? That your server won't be listed on those server lists anymore?
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    no no no i mean in the game. when you go into the multiplayer list, my server does not show up. its not just my game, because all the other servers, like mineplex, show up. so halp pls
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    Why the hell would we need to see an ugly pig?

    Are you using SexyMOTD plugin? I had a bug where enabling some features stopped it from showing in the MP server list. And if you're going to mention giving a list of plugins, you might as well just give it already.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Drigas Then you might have removed it.
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    all right, so i dunno what you mean by i might have removed it. if you mean in the list, no i didnt. and no, Eepmageep, im not using SexyMOTD. Here are my plugins. and by the way, that pig was just for fun XD Untitled 15.jpg
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Drigas Add it again, see if it still vanishes into thin air
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    no it doesnt vanish. i meant before that it doesnt connect. sorry for not being clear :\ Capture.PNG
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    @Drigas What happens if you try to join anyways even if it says can't connect to server?
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    Drigas says that i cant connect :confused:
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Drigas Is it correctly port forwarded?
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    well... holy shtzu! I think thats it. my old computer's cord-where-the-power-supply-connects-to-the-motherboard's plastic where is connects kinda melted, so my dad moved my hard drive into his computer (this one) which probobly screwed it up, like my other server that i shall not mention for legal reasons (jk but im not mentioning it) ill consult my father for help, a i dont have his password :\ thanks for help ill tell you if its solved or not :)
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    Okay, so my dad checked the port forwarding, and we found out he disabled it lol XD
    It works now, thanks![​IMG]
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