Minigame: Earthquake (Wood chips)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BuckitWorker, Jul 9, 2015.

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    Plugin category: FUN

    Suggested name: Earthquake

    What I want: This game is similar to the childhood playground game Wood chips! In this game, you try to tag, or punch, a player, making them it. Here is how the mechanics work out:

    Hay blocks are known as wood chips, so when wood chips is activated, the player who is on the wood chips becomes "it". All other blocks are the "playground"(other than air).
    The first person to be "it" is randomly chosen once the game starts. The person who is "it" has a piece of wheat in their hand named &6&lEarthquake &7(Right-Click). When right clicked, any player standing on hay blocks is "it". If more than one player is caught, a random player is chosen to be "it". The Earthquake item has a 20s cooldown. If the person who is "it" stands on any block other than hay, they get blindness which lasts until the player steps back on hay. When a person is it, they get teleported to the starting area and have slowness and blindness for 10 seconds.

    The goal for a player is to not get tagged. For every 30 seconds without getting tagged, all players get 20 of the servers currency - all but the one who is "it".

    To set up an arena, you must simply type /eq create (mapname). Once that is done, type /eq setspawn (mapname) to set the spawn point of the specified arena. The pregame lobby is the map, but the game starts 10 seconds after the the minimum requirement is met. Each game can have up to 8 players, minimum of 5.
    To create a join sign, type
    line 1: [EarthQuake]
    line 2: (arenaname)
    Sign will change to:
    line:1 &6&lEarthQuake
    line:2 &aClick to join
    line:3 &c(&b{players}&e/&b{maxplaeyrs}&c)

    If any more info is needed, message me!

    Ideas for commands:
    /earthquake join (mapname) - joins specified map.

    Ideas for permissions: Default players have all permissions other than arena setup.
    eq.admin - gives permission to all admin commands.

    When I'd like it by: 7/20/15
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    @BuckitWorker Not saying someone won't come around to make this, but it isn't likely as this seems to be a big plugin to code. Supporting multiple lobbies, and the mechanics of the game. I would work on this in my spare time, but i'm already working on a mini games and an rpg plugin. Though I hope someone does code this for you, as it seems fun to play.
    MarinD99 likes this.
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    Ok, thank you for your time. Feel free to come back and try this ;)
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    @BuckitWorker if no one codes it, and i have time, ill see about making it.
    BuckitWorker likes this.
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